Heather Mott
Heather Mott

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Heather Mott
335 Views 1 year ago

Making my mommy heart giggle, as my 15-year-old demonstrates his strength on a poor, defenseless pinata. 馃ぃ

Heather Mott
302 Views 2 years ago

Doing what's right isn't always "nice".

Heather Mott
305 Views 2 years ago

Everything we do should be done as if we are doing it for Yah Himself. If we're striving to live for Him, we are essentially doing all of life for HIM!

Heather Mott
305 Views 2 years ago

Introducing Chloe's Memory Verses, which has become a highlight of her day. Watch how excited she gets when prompted to show off her speed! She's a silly girl!

Heather Mott
333 Views 2 years ago

Memories are made at Sukkot- Jonah's first ride without Training wheels. He'll be 7 in under a week so I'd say he was overdue.

Heather Mott
306 Views 2 years ago

That moment when your teenager realizes your recording him.

Heather Mott
310 Views 2 years ago

In our society, we're taught that in order to be successful, we must be busy. Well, let's chat about that concept for a few.

Please forgive the hiccup around 5 minutes. The mail lady came and I didn't want to discuss something so emotional in that moment, making her uncomfortable so I paused. Somehow, the frame got added to the first half in editing but, since I'm new to editing videos, I'm not sure how I did that.

Heather Mott
346 Views 2 years ago

I have many conversations with my kids that wind up being particularly enlightening or encouraging. Sometimes, it really takes the perspective of a child to put things back in place. This was one of many that I chose to further reflect on.

Heather Mott
336 Views 2 years ago

Join along with me, each week, as I offer a little encouragement, perspective or just a bit of conversation.

Heather Mott
272 Views 2 years ago

5 year old, Naomi, reading the Shema. Please forgive the delay in recording at the beginning.

Heather Mott
364 Views 2 years ago

Mr. Mu, the onry orange tabby, attacks a notebook because it has the nerve to move while he was laying on it.

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