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The Bible is a collection of ancient books. It contains the oldest stories known to mankind, written in ancient languages by people who lived between 2000 and 4000 years ago and written to their contemporaries. If you can read more than one modern language, you are probably aware that it is next to impossible to understand any complex text written in a foreign language without knowing something about the culture into which it was written, their myths, religion, lifestyle, economy, and politics.
Add a few thousand years time gap, and this problem increases exponentially. Nobody on earth today lives in a culture quite like the ones in which the Biblical authors lived. That world doesn't exist anymore.
David Wilber is an author, Bible teacher, Messianic/Christian apologist, and joint CEO of Pronomian Publishing LLC. He has written several books and numerous theological articles. Additionally, David speaks at churches and conferences across the nation. He has served as a researcher and Bible teacher for ministries such as 119 Ministries, Founded in Truth Fellowship, Freedom Hill Community, and InspiringPhilosophy. David currently lives in Lake Wylie, SC, with his wife and two children.
David's most recent book is How Jesus Fulfilled the Law: A Pronomian Pocked Guide to Matthew 5:17-20 ( Amazon affiliate link), and his homepage is
David recommended Craig Keener's work The IVP Bible Background Commentary, which you can get at . (Amazon affiliate link! I earn a small commission if you buy through that link.)
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah ( This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at
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Are you ready to accept and embrace government authorized Christianity?
Have you given any thought to living in a divine monarchy with a theocratic government?
The Last Supper was not Passover.
The purpose of Lazarus’ resurrection.
The distinction between Yahweh and Yeshua.
The purpose of the Gospel.
A new mixed multitude for a new covenant.
This is part of a Messianic series on the Gospel of John. The series is at
Please Stop Rejecting the Messiah
Calling Yeshua, aka Jesus, “God” or “Yahweh” rejects Him as the Messiah and is playing with fire.
There’s a fear that if people reject Yeshua as God, or see God and Jesus as two beings not one being, that they are likely to reject the New Testament. This is the opposite of my experience. People that I’ve seen reject Jesus have been the ones who think Yeshua and Yahweh are the same being. These often also call it the “renewed” covenant. This slippery slope often results in trying to recreate the wilderness experience and live like it’s the days of Moses. We do not live in the days of Moses, we live in the days of Yeshua and the New Covenant inaugurated in His blood.
The people who see Yeshua as just a man who was born of Mary but is still the Son of God call themselves Biblical Unitarians. These folks see a complete distinction between God and Jesus with Jesus have a starting point about 2K years ago. I’ve NEVER seen one of these folks reject the New Testament. In fact, they seem more attached to the New Testament than most.
To explain why believing Yeshua and Yahweh are the same being leads to rejection of the Messiah, we just have to look at John 3:16
Slide 2 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (Joh 3:16 NAS95)
If you believe that Jesus is God, then this sentence makes no sense at all. It would be a different gospel entirely, that God came down here and pretended to be His own Son or something. Even Trinitarians, who we are the hardest on, understand there’s a separation. When you cross the divide to them not being “them” but just one being, then hundreds of verses no longer make any sense.
Slide 3 Jesus (Yeshua) said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" (Joh 20:17 NAS95)
This is just one of the starkest examples out of innumerable verses that is incomprehensible if Yahweh and Yeshua are the same being. Beyond this, there’s a handy proof text in the OT for us to know exactly who the Father is:
Slide 4 But now, O LORD (YHVH), You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand. (Isa 64:8 NAS95)
My preferred bible puts YHVH as LORD in all caps. This clearly states who the Father is and it’s Yahweh.
Beyond the hundreds of verses in the NT where Jesus and God are different, we also need to have prophecy identifying the Messiah. This is how the bible works. God tells us what’s going to happen, sometimes cryptically sometimes not, then it happens. Most often when the prophecy happens nobody realizes it until after the fact, which was clearly the case with Yeshua. He had to explain who He was to them after His resurrection, hence my citing of John 20:17. The prophecies of Yeshua also have Him as not being YHVH. Psalm 2, Psalm 22, and Isaiah 53 all speak of someone other than YHVH being the Messiah. The one I want to focus on, though, is the one in Micah:
Slide 5 "Now muster yourselves in troops, daughter of troops; They have laid siege against us; With a rod they will smite the judge of Israel on the cheek. But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity." Therefore He will give them up until the time When she who is in labor has borne a child. Then the remainder of His brethren Will return to the sons of Israel. And He will arise and shepherd His flock In the strength of the LORD (YHVH), In the majesty of the name of the LORD (YHVH) His God. And they will remain, Because at that time He will be great To the ends of the earth. (Mic 5:1-4 NAS95)
This plainly says One will go forth from YHVH, One who existed from eternity, who will be a ruler in Israel. And He will come in the Name of YHVH, whom we know to be the Father. Brothers and sisters this IS the gospel, that God sent His Son into the world so that whoever believes in the Son will have eternal life. We know those who have the Son have life, those who do not have the Son do not have life. Any doctrine that teaches Yeshua is not the Son of Yahweh must be discarded, not even considered, otherwise you will have lost your Messiah, the Mediator between God and man.
Prophecy is exciting. It brings the crowds, creates social media buzz, and piques everyone's curiosity. Most of the time, when we hear the word "prophecy", we think of revelations about the future. But is that really what prophecy is?
On August 20, Tim Hillis of Remnant Nation University joined Common Sense Bible Study for a conversation about the nature of prophecy. What is it? How can you recognize it? What's the difference between a true and false prophet?
From the Remnant Nation website ( ) :
Tim is a dedicated and knowledgeable student of God's Word and His movement around the globe. As a leader called to do the work of an apostle, he fearlessly challenges the religiosity that has entrenched itself in the "church" culture and seeks to bring a fresh perspective on the First Century to the modern Body-Bride of Messiah. Through his articles, blogs, and messages, Tim boldly exposes the "takanot", a Hebrew word referring to the rules of religious leaders that have caused people to interpret scripture incorrectly.
Tim's journey in ministry has been an incredible adventure, full of challenges and opportunities for growth! After completing some of his education and serving in various positions within the Church of God, Tim felt called to a broader harvest field. He completed training in a "School of the Prophets" and then attended World Harvest Bible College.
Tim and his wife Naphtali are ordained by Christian International (Santa Rosa Beach, FL) under the vision of Dr. Bill Hamon. Tim completed his studies and successfully defended 2 theses for a PhD in Biblical Philosophy and Theology May 1st, 2017.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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Are the False Gods Real?
I just finished reading Jonathan Cahn’s book Return of the Gods. For those of us who got into the faith once delivered because of the pagan roots of the biggest tenets of mainstream Christianity, this book is very familiar territory. Cahn takes the knowledge we all share about Baal, Molech, and Ishtar and brings it right into modern times. He also provides a great refresher on the reality that these gods were worshiped under different names by different cultures. Diana of the Ephesians is the same goddess as Artemis and Ishtar, for example.
Cahn traces the modern-day debauchery of sexual sin in the western world directly to the return of these gods. He does so in a remarkably convincing fashion. Cahn shows the largest success of Christianity was the removal of idolatry and the institution of biblical morality from most of the known world. Idolatry and these abominable sexual practices we see returning are tied together throughout scriptures. Romans 1 tells us this for the New Testament reference, but we can read the horrific practices of sacrificing children and temple prostitution all over the Old Testament when Israel went astray. Which was a lot more often than not.
For those who may wonder about the overwhelming slaughters Israel was ordered to bring to the Canaanites, well, it was because of these practices. Israel was to purify Canaan of idolatry not just for the sake of idolatry but to remove the behaviors of the people of Canaan from the face of the earth. Child sacrifice and abominable sexual practices had to be completely purged from the land along with the idols.
A disappointment is that Cahn doesn’t also tell his readers that Christmas and Easter are both pagan holidays tied inextricably to these abominations. It’s a shame that he clearly knows this information but doesn’t make the connection so his readers can take the appropriate action to purge the paganism from their lives today. Easter is the worship of a pagan fertility goddess and the resurrection of her lover called Tammuz. It’s not about Messiah at all. Christmas with its worship of evergreen trees and its timing at the winter solstice is also a fertility celebration. The 12 days of Christmas, the yule log, the mistletoe, and all that stuff were also tied to abominable sexual practices and idolatry.
But now to today’s question, one I poised to the assembly on Shabbat. Are these false gods real? The bible seems to say both things.
The prophets of Pharaoh could do some of the stuff that YHVH let Moses and Aaron do. The false prophets in the end times will be able to call down fire from heaven. When the witch of Endor brought up Samuel… it worked. So these beings seem to have powers and seem to be quite real. That also explains why we see the same abominable idolatrous practices all over the world spanning thousands of years. To reconcile the contradiction about gods made with hands not being gods at all, I would equate that to the physical idols. Those trinkets or statues held no power. But it appears whatever they represented did. And we should take care to avoid any practices that might open ourselves up to them. Shalom.
Trying to enter through a different door and the ancient, yet subordinate, relationship between Yahweh and Yeshua.
This study is part of a series on the Gospel of John. All the videos of this series are posted at this link once they're completed.
Revealing the truth about the woman caught in adultery and the famous "I am" statement in John 8 does not mean what most teach.
This video is part of a series on the study of the Gospel of John. Previous chapters are available at the link. Further chapters will be uploaded as they come available.
The Torah keeping groups have a blessed tradition of corporate prayers. Does your congregation?
Selichoth Prayers - Are They Relevant to You? - read by Yochanan
Selichoth means "forgivenesses". If ever there was a time to wake up and call upon the Name of YHWH, it is now.
The Pharisees Were Chickens
This is part of our congregational study of the Gospel of John from a Hebraic perspective. The series and many other teachings on early Christianity are available at
Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. Revelation 18
Paul tells us that before a person can call out to God, he must be convinced that there is a reason to do so. Faith comes from hearing. This is the same message that Yeshua gave in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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Die wat in die vuur staan saam met ons sal die woorde verstaan:
Daniël 3:49 Maar die Boodskapper van יהוה het neergedaal en Hom by AsarJaH en sy metgeselle in die oond gevoeg, en Hy het die vlam van die vuur uit die oond uit verdryf, 50 en het die middel van die oond gemaak asof ‘n vogtige wind daardeur geruis het, en die vuur het hulle hoegenaamd nie aangeraak en hulle ook geen leed aangedoen of bekommernis veroorsaak nie. [1 Konings 19:11] 51 Toe het die drie [manne] in die oond as uit een mond Elohim geprys, verhoog, geloof en gesê:
52 Geseënd is U, יהוה, die Elohey van ons vaders, geprese en hoog verhewe tot in ewigheid! En geseënd is U glansryke en verhewe Naam, en grootliks geprese en hoog verhewe tot in ewigheid.
53 Geseënd is U in die Tempel van U aparte Glansrykheid, hoog geprese en grootliks verhoog tot in ewigheid.
54 Geseënd is U wat die dieptes deurskou en op Gerubs sit, geprese en hoog verhewe tot in ewigheid.
55 Geseënd is U op die Troon van U koninkryk, grootliks geprese en hoog verhewe tot in ewigheid.
56 Geseënd is U in die uitspansel van die Hemele, geprese en verhoog tot in ewigheid.
57 Loof יהוה, o al die werke van יהוה, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
58 Loof יהוה, o Hemele, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
59 Loof יהוה, o Boodskappers van יהוה, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
60 Loof יהוה, o al die waters wat bo aan die Hemele is, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid. [Génesis 1:6]
61 Loof יהוה, o al die magte van יהוה, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
62 Loof יהוה, o son en maan, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
63 Loof יהוה, o Sterre van die Hemele, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
64 Loof יהוה, o elke reënbui en douval, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
65 Loof יהוה, o al die winde, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
66 Loof יהוה, o vuur en hitte, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
67 Loof יהוה, o koue en warmte, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
68 Loof יהוה, o Dou en sneeu, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
69 Loof יהוה, o nagte en dae, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
70 Loof יהוה, o lig en donkerheid, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
71 Loof יהוה, o ys en koue, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
72 Loof יהוה, o ryp en sneeu, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
73 Loof יהוה, o blitse en wolke, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
74 Laat die Adamah [die adamiet se Aarde] יהוהloof, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
75 Loof יהוה, o berge en heuwels, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
76 Loof יהוה, o alles wat op die Adamah [die adamiet se Aarde] groei, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
77 Loof יהוה, o Fonteine, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
78 Loof יהוה, o see en riviere, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
79 Loof יהוה, o Groot Drake en alles wat in die waters beweeg, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid, [Genésis 1:21]
80 Loof יהוה, o voëls van die Hemele, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
81 Loof יהוה, o wilde en mak diere, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
82 Loof יהוה, o seuns van die Adam, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
83 Loof יהוה, o JisraEl, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
84 Loof יהוה, priesters van יהוה, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
85 Loof יהוה, o knegte van יהוה, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
86 Loof יהוה, o Geeste en siele van die regverdiges, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
87 Loof יהוה, o apartes en nederiges van hart, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid.
88 Loof יהוה, o Hananja, Asarja en Misael, sing en verhef Sy lof tot in ewigheid. Want Hy het ons uit die Doderyk/Sheol gered en ons uit die mag van die Dood verlos en ons uit die middel van die brandende oond gered, ja, uit die middel van die vuur het Hy ons gered!
89 Loof dan יהוה, want Hy is goed, want Sy goedgunstigheid duur tot in ewigheid.
90 Loof die Elohey van die Elohim, o almal wat יהוהdien, sing sy lof en dank Hom, want sy goedgunstigheid duur tot in ewigheid!
91{24} Toe het koning Nebukadnésar verskrik geword en haastig opgestaan; hy het sy raadsmanne toegespreek en gesê: Het ons nie drie manne geboeid binne-in die vuur gegooi nie? Hulle antwoord en sê aan die koning: Sekerlik, o koning!
92{25} Hy antwoord en sê: Kyk, ek sien vier manne los binne-in die vuur wandel sonder dat daar ’n letsel aan hulle is; en die voorkoms van die vierde lyk soos dié van ’n Seun van Elohim.
May these words bless those who are brokenhearted, stressed, feeling alone, on the edge....
May His Light shine through the darkenss.
Stay strong Brothers and Sisters.
6 And he answered and said to me, “This is the word of יהוה to Zerubbaḇel, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ said יהוה of hosts.
Zeḵaryah (Zechariah) 4
Ask yourself this question:
Who is like the EL of Jacob?
Quoting Deuteronomy 30:14 in Romans 10:8, Paul makes a powerful rhetorical connection between Yeshua and the Law of Moses. The Torah gives life, but only to those who have already confessed Yeshua as their Master and Savior.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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