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Chris Deweese
8 Views · 2 days ago

This is an excerpt from our study on John 5. The KJV translators purposely manipulated the text at John 5 to introduce doctrines the bible doesn't support. They actually changed the words of Jesus, aka Yeshua, to things He did not say. They did this to make people believe doctrines of men. Today, people making Sacred Name bibles and Hebrew Roots bibles are doing this same thing. This video shows those lies and how to quickly evaluate a bible for accuracy at two specific places.

Chris Deweese
13 Views · 6 days ago

Recording of our study on John 5. This chapter contains the entire Gospel and ties the whole bible together. It also shows why the KJV should be discarded because of its bias. The future contains two resurrections, one of life and another of judgment. There is no such thing as damnation. Please go to to hear all the studies on the book of John.

22 Views · 8 days ago

The SKF Passover Package Program was created in 2011 and is now the largest of its kind in the nation. It is designed to enable Sabbath and festival observant inmates across the USA to keep the most basic of scriptural commands of Passover while in prison, and without this service, they cannot. Over the last few years we have been blessed to be able to provide well over 10,000 Passover packages to hundreds of prisons across the nation. However, we could and should have provided many more than that. It is only for lack of funds that we cannot provide these vitally important packages for all inmates of our faith.
We have worked very hard over the years to get them approved in most prison systems across the country, and we are very blessed to now have many Chaplains and volunteers calling us each spring to request these packages for their Sabbath and festival-observant inmates. We are also blessed to have several volunteers from a wide range of Sabbath-keeping faiths who donate their time each year at our “Passover Package Party” to help us with the physical effort of putting together thousands of packages and getting them all into the mail. It is a herculean task, and there are a few loving people who always show up faithfully to do the work. Of course, we can always use more volunteers to help us do this, and you are invited.
Here in this brief video, we try to give you just a taste of what it is like to perform this blessed service to our brothers and sisters behind bars, and to see something of what our charity is all about. It is only a small sample of what we do, but I hope it accomplishes that task. For you who have already donated to help in this effort, thank you, and may the Most-High bless you for your charity. For those of you who have not yet donated time or resources, may YHWH inspire your heart to fulfill the words of our savior when he said,
“Then the King shall say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world – for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, ‘Master, when did we see You hungry and we fed You, or thirsty and gave You to drink? And when did we see You a stranger and took You in, or naked and clothed You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and we came to You?’ And the King shall answer and say to them, ‘Amein, I say to you, in so far as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’”

14 Views · 8 days ago

⁣Special Feature - Daniel Sings _Charity_ and _Battle Belongs to YHWH

17 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship was practicing a song, and Yochanan missed his cue. Fun!

9 Views · 8 days ago

Daniel performs "A Friend Loveth Always"

10 Views · 8 days ago

Daniel performs "Giver of Excellent Gifts"

15 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Midnight Cry"

13 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Layla Tov"

12 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Shalom Rav"

8 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Shalom Aleichem"

12 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Set My People Free"

13 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Set My People Free" with "Dayeinu!"

21 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Set My People Free" with lyrics

15 Views · 8 days ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Seek Ye First"

12 Views · 8 days ago

Daniel performs "Sorrow unto Joy"

15 Views · 8 days ago

⁣Daniel Performs "Burn in Me"

21 Views · 8 days ago

⁣Daniel Performs - "The Battle Belongs to YHWH"

11 Views · 8 days ago

"⁣Amazing Grace" - Performed by Sabbath Keepers Fellowship

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