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16 Views · 9 days ago

Daniel performs "After Knowing"

12 Views · 9 days ago

"So Believe" - Performed by Daniel, and excellent friend of Sabbath Keepers Fellowship

Chris Deweese
25 Views · 13 days ago

The Samaritan woman at the well shows us how we are supposed to receive the Messiah.
The series of the study is available at

Jay Carper
37 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Yeshua said to go and make disciples from all the nations.

Matthew 28:18-20 ESV
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

But if we're going to make disciples of other people, then we need to be good disciples ourselves. How are we supposed to teach others how to live, when we ourselves live as if we didn't care about our own lives?

There are tens of thousands of books about self-improvement. There's nothing wrong with working to become a better person, but the world's approach is fatally flawed by its focus on ME.

Make more money! Become famous! Be the boss! Get a better job!

None of which is necessarily bad in itself, if it serves a good purpose, but what is your purpose? Are you trying to be a better you and get that promotion because you think you'll feel better about yourself? That's probably never going to work.

Our goal--the ultimate self-improvement plan--is to become more like Yeshua. This is the plan that God has for us! See Romans 8:29.

In this video, Sean Esposito joined Common Sense Bible study to talk about a more Biblical approach to self-improvement.

Sean is a former atheist turned minister. He has worked with Tom Bradford at Seed of Abraham Ministries and currently teaches faith and character development through Simplicity Faith (

He says, "My encouragement is very, very simple: character development into the image of God and Messiah--stirring people to realize their role in self-disciplined intentional character development unto the ways of God, for which we were all created."

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Chris Deweese
43 Views · 27 days ago

Interactive study on the book of John, chapter 1. Verses 1-5 explained and harmonized with the rest of scripture. The origin of the concept of "the Word" as a mediator also explained.

Chris Deweese
46 Views · 30 days ago

The real meaning of the phrase "Lord's day" unlocks prophecy like you never though possible!

The Lord’s Day
Slide 1 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea." (Rev 1:10-11)
A misnomer in Christian parlance is that this is referring to Sunday, aka the first day of the week with the reference to the Lord’s day. There actually isn’t anything tying this phrase to Sunday except the traditions of men. In fact, I think this is the only place in the bible where the phrase “Lord’s day” appears. Sunday is not what is meant by the term Lord’s day. In fact, it’s referring to a day an annual day, not a weekly one. Those of us who have returned to original, first century Christianity know exactly what day this is speaking of and it’s an annual observance.
The phrase “sound of the trumpet” is the key to understanding the verse. John was in the Spirit on the Day of Trumpets, Yom Teruah in Hebrew. He was still keeping the festival days and it was, and is, widely understood that the “great and terrible day of the Lord” is the first day of the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar.
Slide 2 Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. 'You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the LORD.'" (Lev 23:23-25)
Here's the commandment and you can make the association rather easily. This is also called the “day no man knows” because it’s the only holy day we don’t see coming in the Torah. Passover, Atonement, and Sukkot start in the middle of months and Pentecost gets counted out. Yom Teruah, or the Feast of Trumpets, or the Day of the Lord, is the one you have to prepare for and then wait for the sound of the trumpet from the kohen to tell you it has arrived. Think about how Jericho fell. It's actually a prophecy about the end of this age. They march 7 times, the 6 doing nothing. Then on the 7th, they go 7 times and blow trumpets and shout at the end, which destroys the pagan temple. The Messiah is coming back and will usher in the Messianic kingdom, the last 1000 years of this overall age. At the end of that 1000 years, all will be judged, those who’s names are written in the book of life will enter eternity. The Lord’s Day signifies all this and is observed annually, on the first day of the 7th month. John continued to keep Torah his whole life while accepting Yeshua as the Messiah. It only makes sense he would get the vision of the end on the day that represents it.
Slide 5 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Messiah will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1Th 4:15-18)
Paul gives us great insight about the return of Yeshua here. The Day of Trumpets is the holy day that foreshadows the return of the Messiah. Many of Yeshua’s parables reference this. “if the owner had known when the thief was coming”, “if the virgins had prepared their oil”, and “those who the master finds doing His will” all come to mind.
For those of us who have learned the Holy Days of Leviticus 23 and observe them, it’s not even in doubt that the Lord’s day in Revelation is Yom Teruah. The sound of the trumpet is our key. John meant to tell us he was in the Spirit on the Day of Trumpets which is also called the great and terrible day of the Lord. And it makes perfect sense that he would be given the most comprehensive vision of the return of the Messiah on the annual holy day that prophesies that very event. The Lord’s Day this year (2024) from sundown October 2 to sundown October 3. We’d love for you to observe it with us!

Jay Carper
61 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Romans 9 is the core of Calvinism's doctrine of irresistible grace in the eternal salvation and condemnation of individual people, yet this chapter isn't even about eternal salvation! Paul's use of the potter and clay analogy is from Isaiah 29 that speaks of God's temporary hardening of Israel because of their sins. They blinded themselves with pride, so he blinded them further to ensure that his judgment would be carried out, with the intent that the nation would eventually repent and be restored.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Jay Carper
53 Views · 1 month ago

⁣God is never arbitrary. He doesn't roll dice to decide who is "chosen" and who isn't. However, we know his choice of Jacob wasn't about anything Jacob or Esau had done either, so what was it?

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Chris Deweese
49 Views · 1 month ago

I don't think the present paradigm is anything to be proud of.
More teachings at

66 Views · 1 month ago

Yet My Heart Yearns For Zion
Words and Music by Aromem

------------------------ A LITTLE ABOUT AROMEM ---------------------

We pair the ancient sounds of the Native American flute and drum with modern instruments to make powerful worship music. Our name "Aromem" means "I will exalt" in Hebrew and embodies our mission to worship the God of the tribes of Israel.

The team is lead by worship leader and songwriter David L. Martin. David is a descendant of the Mono and Chukchansi tribes in California. We hope you enjoy our weekly music videos!

Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

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Chris Deweese
56 Views · 1 month ago

Exploring how and why people study themselves off a cliff right after coming to the knowledge of the truth.

Chris Deweese
92 Views · 2 months ago

D-Day Plus 80: Israel's Example of Military Service compared and contrasted with the history of the United States.
There are many remarkable parallels between ancient Israel and the United States. Some of these are purposeful, such as the president having to be a natural born citizen. Some of these parallels are not coincidental at all. Those which are not coincidental show us the hand of God in the formation and use of our nation.
Israel had a basic founding on the commandments. Chief among those was the prohibition on going after other gods or learning the ways of the nations. They had a cycle of faithfulness and sinning that continued until the first century AD. Their fame and power was established at the Exodus, when Yahweh made know His power. They rode that established reputation until they were dispersed in AD70.
In the message D-Day Plus 80, I chronicle the peak of the power of the United States and how our present situation began with the same sin committed by Israel. After the conquering of Canaan, Israel apportioned the land and became a nation. Then "all the men did what was right in their own eyes" which began the slide to sin. They lacked unity and shunned their mission of representing God on earth as a faithful, lawful nation.
The United States, with our allies, landed in France on June 6, 1941 and fought our way to Berlin. We dispatched the evil Nazi government with enormous effort and focus. We also defeated Tojo's Japan, fighting tooth and nail in the Pacific. To defeat Japan, it took two nuclear weapons. They were an incredibly fierce nation. Then our men came home and started the same slide as Israel. We have since adopted a "do what's right in your own eyes" mentality. We have exchanged what made us great, unity and a common morality, with division and focusing on self.
This is just a sample of the message, where I chronicle some great parallels between ancient Israel and the United States. 80 years away from D-Day, we are a very different nation. But we do retain some of the virtues and values of our forefathers.
Available in print at

Jay Carper
91 Views · 2 months ago

⁣A live conversation with Daniel McGirr of Ancient Covenant Ministries, hosted by the Common Sense Bible Study online community. This special event delved into the legal structure and meaning of ancient covenants, providing valuable insights into how these historical agreements shape our understanding of the Bible.

Daniel McGirr has been teaching the Ancient Covenantal context of the Messianic Faith since 2011 at Ancient Covenant Ministries, a resource for those looking to grow in relationship with the God of Abraham through investigating the cultures, languages, treaties, and archaeological evidence of Scripture. Daniel is also the host and founder of The Daily 302, a weekly intel and commentary on current world events.

You can find more about Ancient Covenant Ministries at and about The Daily 302 at

This conversation is a rich and informative experience for anyone interested in biblical studies, theology, or ancient history. Whether you are a long-time member of the Common Sense Bible Study community or a newcomer, this event will provide you with a deeper appreciation for the complexities and significance of ancient covenants in biblical narratives.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and Daniel McGirr of Ancient Covenant Ministries.

Contact Daniel at to request any of the resources he mentioned.

Amazon affiliate links for books mentioned:

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, edited by John Wallace:
The Temple - Its Symbolism and Meaning Then and Now, by Joshua Berman:

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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116 Views · 2 months ago

"Daughter of Zion"
Words and Music by David L. Martin

Chris Deweese
111 Views · 2 months ago

Original Christianity
One of the hardest things to come by today is truth. Everyone is lined up on each side of issues, minds are made up, and very few people take the time to research and have a dialogue. This leads to a lot of friction and good ideas never considered at all because they come from “the other side”. In practical life, this is not making our society better at all. In fact, the opposite is happening.
When it comes to learning about Christianity, this “us versus them” paradigm has been in place for a really long time. But how does one learn real, original Christianity today? The internet is flooded with information. From videos to podcasts to blogs to books, it’s complete information overload. How does one even choose which of the many Bible translations to read? To try and provide a path forward, I have made a series of videos meant to teach you how to read the bible and come to faith the same way the early converts did. This series does not force feed a bunch of doctrine but empowers you to be able to come to the truth on your own. The original Christians were not intended to learn everything at once, but rather begin a lifelong journey of learning how to love God and live the way His Son, Jesus did.
These messages are for people who are curious about original Christianity and want to learn truth without the baggage of the last 1850 years. If you want to learn how Christianity was intended to be received by the early converts, this is the place to be. Please watch them in the order presented because they build on each other. This will help you start your studies with a solid foundation. If you aren’t new to Christianity but are wondering why modern Christianity seems so different from that of the bible, these messages will help you to sift the wheat from the chaff and draw nearer to God and His Son.
Thanks for your time. Please drop a line if these messages help you and be sure to share them with friends and family. The nature of the world shows us change is coming. People have questions and want to know about eternal life. Let’s help spread that knowledge.
The series of messages is available at

Chris Deweese
122 Views · 2 months ago

Facts Lies Mistakes & Pride: The last message in the series Learn Real Christianity from Scratch! available here
Learning topics of substance, especially something foreign or new, requires working through biases and pre-conceived notions. We are also required to be disciplined, patient, and methodical. I explain how to do this in this installment of the message. I also explain the incredible gravity of why we need to apply these virtues to arrive at the truth.
Discipline is key. Society has great systems for arriving at truth and facts. From childhood, most of us were taught the Scientific Method. This is a recipe for challenging hypotheses until they pass enough tests to become Scientific Law. This method requires patience, discipline, and objectivity. The same virtues are required when we take up matters of law. Our judicial system is set up very similar to that of the Torah. Two or more witnesses are required to establish facts in the Bible, specifically facts about sin and law.
In business, society has systems of standards like the International Standards Organization and the Six Sigma method of improvement. These systems, and their equivalents, are established similar to the Scientific Method. They drive us to challenge norms and constantly improve through methods established to unearth truth.
Two big examples of how disregarding societal standards come from two instances. One is ancient and biblical. The other is recent and societal. The recent departure was the maniacal usage of hand sanitizer during COVID. Those who work in labs are trained, drilled even, to know how to respond to airborne pathogens. Hand sanitizer has no effect. Yet ALL of society's leaders in science disregarded their training at the drop of an emotional hat.
The second centers around the mission of these messaged: Christ and Him Crucified. When the people had the Messiah executed, they emotionally disregard a foundation of the Torah. This foundation was part of their core identity: the law of two or more witnesses. They threw all they knew to be true out the window and had an innocent man executed, even shouting they had no king but Caesar. That sentence rejected YHVH as their true King and Yeshua as their Prince. This message, in video above and print at shows you how to avoid being like these two groups of bad actors

Chris Deweese
134 Views · 2 months ago

How to Read the Bible: The bible, like all literature, contains nuances. This is the third installment of the series How to Learn Real Christianity from Scratch. I explain some of these nuances to help you learn scripture the way it was meant to be received.
One first should start with a bible that is literal, accurate, and provides the information in as non-biased fashion as possible. The New American Standard Bible of 1995 fits this bill very well. This version contains hints that enable readers of English to get more out of the bible than previous versions. I show the power of one of those hints in detail in this message.
Another key to learning how to read the bible is to avoid the chapters and verses. This sounds shocking, but those were added over 1000 years after the Messiah ascended. The people who put the chapters and verses in the bible were at least as removed from their original intent of the text than we are today. The chapters and verse often break up thoughts and sentences and give the impression there are gaps in time when there are none. It takes effort, but if you read the bible without the chapters and verses, you will experience the fluidity of how it was originally meant to be read.
In this message, I show the culture of how the New Testament was meant to be read. The Jews of the first century cited scripture by just referring to a phrase or sentence from a passage. Since all believers attended synagogue, they knew Moses and the rest of the Old Testament by heart. Jesus aka Yeshua leveraged this form of communication in His discussion with his detractors. In fact, His dying words "Eli, Eli, llama sabachtani" used this very technique to tell those looking that He was fulfilling a prophecy. Paul expected anyone who read his letters to be familiar with this communication method. This is why his letters oftentimes have sentences that just look out of place.
The key place I use to explain this technique, and the hints built into the NASB95, is the greatest commandment. Yeshua was telling us how to love God when He told his challenger what the greatest commandment was. This message is available in video or print at

Chris Deweese
97 Views · 2 months ago

Explaining how repentance is 100% works, 100% required for salvation, and what it really means in its original context.
Please visit for more teaching about first century Christianity.

Chris Deweese
129 Views · 2 months ago

Weighing the Evidence: avoiding key pitfalls. The second message in the series about learning real Christianity from scratch.

This message begins with a recap of the first message titled Learn Real Christianity from Scratch. If you haven't started with that one, I highly recommend it. It's available here Key information is to begin your studies with the NASB95 version of the bible. This translation is literal, readable, and remarkably true to the original texts while removing as much doctrine as humanly possible. You can read about this translation at this link https://www.blueletterbible.or....g/bibles/preface-to-

Learning when the books of the bible were written, by whom, and what else was going on in the world at the time gives you great insight. This context helps us to learn the scriptures the way they were intended to be read. We should also avoid reading the chapters and verses. This is remarkably important because those were added over 1000 years after the New Testament authors died. The people who added the chapters and verses are just as removed from the first century Christian or Judean culture as we are today. Weighing the evidence of scripture requires us to consume scripture within the culture it was written (as much as possible).

Weighing the Evidence

A key pitfall to avoid is falling into the trap of creeds. Christianity today is a system of memorized doctrines. The folks who do this don't even realize it because it's taught from the moment a person begins to talk. Those of us raised in mainstream Christianity are taught it's biblical. But the way we learn this is to memorize a doctrine with proof texts rather than reading the scriptures and arriving at conclusions. These messages about learning real Christianity from scratch are intended to teach people who have never been indoctrinated how to avoid that trap. Frankly, if the doctrine is true, you'll get there soon enough!

Understand this path we are on is a long path. It's a journey. You are not saved by doctrine and you are not in a rush. Imagine if you could have another lifetime with your earthly father. Would you rush through it like you did the first time, making immature mistakes, or would you slow down and savor your time with him? Obviously it's the latter. Being born again is our chance to learn about our heavenly Father. We need to come at this like children, but children who know we have a new lease on life. Take your time on this journey and weigh the evidence along the way.

This message is available in print at

Rhy Bezuidenhout
134 Views · 3 months ago

⁣⁣A rock song telling the story of Yeshua's temptation by Satan in the wilderness.

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