History & Facts

Chris Deweese
37 Views · 2 months ago

Chanukkah and Christmas collide!
Channukkah and XMAS collide
1st night of chanukkah 12/25. The contrast is stark. But with the real history of Chanukkah from the Apocryphal book of 1 Mac.
I encourage you to read the first four chapters of 1 Mac. To get that, look at the Brenton translation of the Old Testament.
Matthew 24:15-20 is a direct reference to the Maccabean revolt and Channukkah.
The abomination of desolation had already been set up once by the Greeks. Their flight was indeed in winter. And they refused to fight the first Sabbath of the revolt due to their obedience to Torah and they lost.
The crux of this was compromise and mixing. The first time the Greeks came to Judea, they were welcomed. Many of the Israelites mixed Greek customs with Torah and compromised themselves. The Greeks came back after a battle with Egypt and compromise was no longer an option. They forced Israel to forsake the commandments. No more Sabbath, no more circumcision, no more festival days, temple defiled, and they had to eat pork. Or die. And they had to adopt the Greek holidays and culture wholesale, including the sacrificing of pigs and the eating of the same.
This was very bad. Judas Maccabeus couldn’t take it and started a revolt, ultimately pushing the Greeks out and restoring Torah to judea.
How does this align with Christmas? XMAS is a non-biblical observation where people partake in rituals derived from pagan religions and dine on pork. But they do it in the name of God. This is impossible if we understand Matthew 24 to be warning us against these abominations.
I’ll be talking about Chanukka on Friday night, December 20, on a friend’s study group if you want to learn the details about this commemoration. However, don’t lose the irony that the Greeks forced believers into pagan customs while modern Christianity voluntarily partakes. Hopefully more folks will read their bibles and history and come to the realization that the worship of Yahweh is easy if we just relent and to it the way His Son showed us. Have a blessed week!

Jay Carper
70 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Many historians and archeologists assume that the Bible isn't true and spend their entire careers trying to disprove it. They have persuaded a great many people who don't want to believe. Unfortunately, they've caused a lot of good people who *do* want to believe to doubt the Bible and therefore their own faith. If the Hebrews were never really in Egypt, how can there have been an Exodus? If there was no Exodus, how can there have been a Passover? If there was no Passover, how can we believe anything else in Scripture?

Dr. Douglas Petrovich is not like those archeologists. He has spent the last 16 years proving the Scriptures from the physical evidence left behind by the people who lived and wrote them.

Dr. Petrovich currently serves as adjunct Professor of Biblical History and Exegesis at Brookes Bible College, which is located in St. Louis, Missouri. He teaches remotely and resides in Richmond, Texas. From 2017–2022, he served as full Professor of Biblical History and Exegesis at The Bible Seminary, in Katy, Texas. Professor Petrovich was born and raised in Akron, Ohio. He has lived in California (twice), Illinois, Siberia (Russia), Toronto (Canada), and Texas. He is passionate about pouring his life into those whose lives God has given him the opportunity to influence, whether in the setting of the local church or an academic environment. He is committed to modeling his life after that of the incarnate son of God, Jesus Christ, albeit quite imperfectly. He has been married to his wife, Sherri, since 1991, and they have three adult children.

He has taught over 50 different courses in his teaching career, which includes courses in biblical studies (especially biblical languages and exposition) and in ancient Near Eastern history and archaeology. His Ph.D. includes a major in Syro-Palestinian archaeology, a 1st minor in (Middle and Late) Egyptian language, and a 2nd minor in ancient Near Eastern religions. He has participated in archaeological digs at Hazor, Tell Tayinat, and Shiloh, which reflects his love for seeing how ancient history converges with the events and people of the Bible.

Professor Petrovich has been an ordained pastor since 1998, having begun as an assistant pastor at a church in Glendale, California. For the majority of his 10 years in Siberia, he served as a church-planting pastor in the city of Berdsk. He has appeared in two documentary films, the more recent being Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy (2019), which features his groundbreaking discovery that connects the world’s oldest alphabetic script with the Israelites’ initial national script. The earlier film in which he appears is entitled Is Genesis History? (2017), which became the most watched documentary film on Netflix during the summer of 2018. In that film, he identifies the correct location for the city of Babel in Genesis 11, as well as its famous tower.

** Books by Dr. Petrovich **

The World's Oldest Alphabet, https://store.carta-jerusalem.....com/archaeology/734-

Origins of the Hebrews, (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/4eYKEW0

Nimrod the Empire Builder, (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/41gwzA4

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study (https://CommonSenseBibleStudy.com) and American Torah (https://www.AmericanTorah.com).

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at https://jaycarper.com/paypal.

Follow me on Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@AmericanTorah
Send me a friend request on The Torah Network: https://social.ttn.place/jaycarper
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George Lujack
74 Views · 4 months ago

⁣"HARRIS-TRUMP 2024; The Professor vs. The Prophet; Allan Lichtman's Prediction and Kim Clement's Prophecy," written, produced, narrated, and compiled by George Lujack of Scripture Truth Ministries.

Chris Deweese
79 Views · 4 months ago

Worshiping Satan for Free
Yes, Halloween is Satan’s holiday
I don’t talk about this one much because, well, anybody who has ever read a bible should know this day is evil. The entire observation is opposed to the faith of the Bible regardless of if you emphasize the entire book or even just the New Testament. Threatening to prank people if they don’t give you candy while dressing up like demons is not something that should require a pastor to tell a believer not to do. When this holiday is observed by the children of Christian parents, it’s telling those kids the parents’ faith is just a hobby – it doesn’t even mean anything and can be set aside, even for wicked practices, at a whim. Let’s take a look at the seriousness.
And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I want. Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” Yeshua replied to him, “It is written: ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” (Luk 4:5-8)
Halloween’s history is in an ancient Celtic religious practice called Samhain (not pronounced anything like it is spelled). It’s not some secular day that accidentally got melded with spirits, its origin is in the worship of the earth and evil spirits, which is almost always traced back to worshiping Satan and his demons. It was melded into Christianity over hundreds of years. Once Rome conquered the Celtic lands, two pagan Roman holidays were mixed with Samhain. Once Rome became “Christian” in air quotes, the Catholics actually did try to get rid of this one. They made up a holiday called All Saints Day to be in the beginning of November to try and blend this one in/replace it, too. They failed and ended up just having another made up observance right after this pagan one. An easy history of this day is available at History.com.
Yeshua replied to him, “It is written: ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” (Luk 4:8)
“You shall fear only YHVH your Elohim; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name.” (Deu 6:13)
Yeshua’s response to Satan when He was being tempted is that worship is restricted Yahweh only. This is done in the manner and at the time he decides, not us. Societies have cultures that are rooted in what society holds holy. To be fair, some activities we do today have no religious significance whatsoever while looking like religious observances. The 4th of July is one of those. It’s a day when we all do similar activities to celebrate our independence from the British. Some sporting events are also similar to this. Halloween is not one of these exceptions. Halloween’s observances trace straight to pagan religious practices and nowhere else. This means this day and its observances are to be anathema to those who worship the God of Abraham. Our God is a jealous God who doesn’t tolerate blending. He has shown His disdain for that numerous times in history.
The quotation Yeshua used from Torah is just after the Shema, the most important commandment. Hear oh Israel, Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh is one. And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, soul, and strength. If you are doing this, just as the Son of God Himself did, then you will not find Halloween anything to be associated with.
When Satan tempted the Messiah, He promised wealth and kingdoms for that worship. Today, believers aren’t just worshiping Satan once a year, they’re doing it for free. Knock it off and take a stand for your faith.

Chris Deweese
155 Views · 8 months ago

Recording of our study on John 5. This chapter contains the entire Gospel and ties the whole bible together. It also shows why the KJV should be discarded because of its bias. The future contains two resurrections, one of life and another of judgment. There is no such thing as damnation. Please go to https://firstcenturychristiani....ty.net/the-gospel-of to hear all the studies on the book of John.

Chris Deweese
237 Views · 9 months ago

D-Day Plus 80: Israel's Example of Military Service compared and contrasted with the history of the United States.
There are many remarkable parallels between ancient Israel and the United States. Some of these are purposeful, such as the president having to be a natural born citizen. Some of these parallels are not coincidental at all. Those which are not coincidental show us the hand of God in the formation and use of our nation.
Israel had a basic founding on the commandments. Chief among those was the prohibition on going after other gods or learning the ways of the nations. They had a cycle of faithfulness and sinning that continued until the first century AD. Their fame and power was established at the Exodus, when Yahweh made know His power. They rode that established reputation until they were dispersed in AD70.
In the message D-Day Plus 80, I chronicle the peak of the power of the United States and how our present situation began with the same sin committed by Israel. After the conquering of Canaan, Israel apportioned the land and became a nation. Then "all the men did what was right in their own eyes" which began the slide to sin. They lacked unity and shunned their mission of representing God on earth as a faithful, lawful nation.
The United States, with our allies, landed in France on June 6, 1941 and fought our way to Berlin. We dispatched the evil Nazi government with enormous effort and focus. We also defeated Tojo's Japan, fighting tooth and nail in the Pacific. To defeat Japan, it took two nuclear weapons. They were an incredibly fierce nation. Then our men came home and started the same slide as Israel. We have since adopted a "do what's right in your own eyes" mentality. We have exchanged what made us great, unity and a common morality, with division and focusing on self.
This is just a sample of the message, where I chronicle some great parallels between ancient Israel and the United States. 80 years away from D-Day, we are a very different nation. But we do retain some of the virtues and values of our forefathers.
Available in print at https://firstcenturychristiani....ty.net/d-day-plus-80

Jay Carper
243 Views · 9 months ago

⁣A live conversation with Daniel McGirr of Ancient Covenant Ministries, hosted by the Common Sense Bible Study online community. This special event delved into the legal structure and meaning of ancient covenants, providing valuable insights into how these historical agreements shape our understanding of the Bible.

Daniel McGirr has been teaching the Ancient Covenantal context of the Messianic Faith since 2011 at Ancient Covenant Ministries, a resource for those looking to grow in relationship with the God of Abraham through investigating the cultures, languages, treaties, and archaeological evidence of Scripture. Daniel is also the host and founder of The Daily 302, a weekly intel and commentary on current world events.

You can find more about Ancient Covenant Ministries at https://www.hebraicworship.com/mcgirr2017/ and about The Daily 302 at https://daily302.com/.

This conversation is a rich and informative experience for anyone interested in biblical studies, theology, or ancient history. Whether you are a long-time member of the Common Sense Bible Study community or a newcomer, this event will provide you with a deeper appreciation for the complexities and significance of ancient covenants in biblical narratives.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study (https://CommonSenseBibleStudy.com) and Daniel McGirr of Ancient Covenant Ministries.

Contact Daniel at mcgirrdaily302@gmail.com to request any of the resources he mentioned.

Amazon affiliate links for books mentioned:

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, edited by John Wallace: https://amzn.to/3V7ZXE4
The Temple - Its Symbolism and Meaning Then and Now, by Joshua Berman: https://amzn.to/3Vd4jJQ

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at https://jaycarper.com/paypal.

Follow me on Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@AmericanTorah
Send me a friend request on The Torah Network: https://social.ttn.place/jaycarper
Follow me on Twitter: https://jaycarper.com/twitter
Connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/americantorah/

Sarah Coller
307 Views · 2 years ago

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Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA

349 Views · 2 years ago

 Prophecy, Politics, Religion, Straight truth...<br />
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TOPIC: SH419 We need to go to the root<br />
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PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show” www.Thesledgehammershow.com <br />
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