
Chris Deweese
28 Views · 1 month ago

2025 Holy Days in Kansas City
We are hosting Sukkot aka The Feast of Tabernacles in Kansas City in 2025 in addition to all the Holy Days of Leviticus 23. This video is the announcement, please follow the link below to get details as they become available. Please contact us through the website to let us know if you are intending to fellowship with us for any of Yahweh’s appointed times this year. These blessed events require planning, so we really need get an idea of how many may come. Please also contact us with any gifts you may want to bless us with from dance to music, kids classes, group activities, crafting, or anything else.
The Holy Days from Leviticus 23 prophetically explain the plan of salvation that God established at the foundation of earth. They have deep meaning for Christians and were continued to be kept by the New Testament converts in the first century. We observe these days in a New Covenant context, as the early believers did, in anticipation of the return of Yeshua the Messiah, where He will usher in a millennial kingdom where observance of these days will be required.
We welcome all who wish to observe God’s Holy Days in 2025 in Kansas City in a spirit of unity and cooperation.

Chris Deweese
37 Views · 2 months ago

The parallels between Joseph and Yeshua (Jesus) aren't just remarkable, they are prophetic and establish our understanding of the relationship between Yahweh and His Son.

Chris Deweese
26 Views · 2 months ago

Messianic Torah Portion Vayeshev (and he lived) is about Joseph being sold into slavery by his own brothers. There are many parallels between Joseph and Yeshua, the Messiah, which we discuss in this study. The focus of our congregational discussion is on prophecy and its ultimate purpose, which is to further the kingdom of God.

Chris Deweese
96 Views · 5 months ago

The history of the Day of Atonement is almost as old as earth itself. This day is applicable to Christians today and incredibly important for understanding the end of days.
Written notes of this message, given on the Day of Atonement 2024, are available at

91 Views · 5 months ago

An introduction to the ancient Way of righteousness

Chris Deweese
92 Views · 5 months ago

Messianic Commentary on the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah. For the entire series on this study of John, please go to

Chris Deweese
86 Views · 5 months ago

The Day of Trumpets, also called Yom Teruah, is an ancient Holy Day that prophecies the return of the Messiah. This knowledge has been lost since the first century.

Chris Deweese
80 Views · 5 months ago

The Father is the only true God and the mission of the Apostles.
For the entire series on the Gospel of John from a first century perspective, please go to

Chris Deweese
106 Views · 5 months ago

The New Covenant is not a Renewed Covenant
Strange things creep in once we leave Babylonian Christianity. Face it, we are vulnerable. When we throw off the errors, it’s very easy to go too far. I’ve done it myself but on different subjects. This message is about the odd concept of a “renewed covenant”. This is language that some in the HRM started using about ten years ago. The problem they were trying to solve is real – the phrase New Covenant is very often misused by lawless Christians. The lawless ones have hitched their doctrines to the phrase “new covenant” to make it seem like Yeshua ended the law. Well, He didn’t do that. He changed the law and ushered in the New Covenant. The fact that the lawless ones misuse words and concepts doesn’t mean we need to compensate or surrender theological territory.
As an attempt to put distance between the proper faith, one of Torah plus Yeshua, some people made some convincing arguments that the New Covenant is really a “renewed Covenant”. This is ridiculous and there is no hint of this language in any of the New Testament. Unfortunately, people convinced themselves of this so much that this language may even show up in Sacred Name bibles, which is remarkably ironic. A movement that started by undoing age-old errors has come full circle, introducing their own new, Hebrew sounding errors.
Before proving this through word studies, we do need to take a Romans 1 approach – the helicopter view. This ministry is called First Century Christianity, after all. And that’s what we strive to reproduce – the pure faith of the first believers. Paul wrote in Romans 1 that Creation testifies so the people are without excuse. From a helicopter view do we see a new or a renewed covenant with the actions of the Apostles? Did the Apostles mandate circumcision and instruct all the converts in the diaspora to pilgrimage to the Temple? No. They did not do this. The Ruach ha Kodesh made converts of Gentiles and Jews throughout the Roman Empire and to the East who all stayed put. They did something different. They accepted Yeshua as the Messiah and either continued to attend synagogue or started to, depending on the convert, wherever they were. This is not how people converted under the Old Covenant. From a big picture, it’s obvious as the nose on our faces the covenant was not a continuation of the Old but something different. We don’t need word studies to know this one is false. But some will, so here we go.
Jeremiah 31 in e-sword. Read in NASB then switch to LXX. Show the Hebrew for new, then the Greek for new. Show the definitions. Then show the same word G2537 kainos is used at Luke 22:20.
End with Paul and show that the blood of Messiah had not been shed at Sinai. Therefore it is a New Covenant. His blood was not re-shed. 1 Cor 11:25.
Then to the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 8:8 is a copy of the LXX of Jeremiah 31:31. Same word.
Hebrews 9:15-16 Yeshua became our Mediator after He died. The curtain tore. The mediation of Aaron is over. It is a New Covenant. Sin remains so Torah remains. We are still guilty and there are many things we don’t understand. But this faith that is a change in the law was put in place for 35 years so when the Temple came down, it would flourish.
The change is testified to through Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. Israel was set up to be an example to the nations. The pinnacle of the Old Testament was when Solomon presided over the inauguration of the temple and all the nations streamed into Israel. Those nations were supposed to learn Torah when they showed up. Instead, they influenced Solomon to sin and the cycle of failure continued.
The New Covenant is different. Instead of using Israel as a centralized nation, the Ruach Ha Kodesh was sent to the world. We are witness to this today, being called out of Babylon seemingly at random to come to Torah where we live.
The danger of the “renewed” covenant is that it starts a fissure. People begin to have dangerous thoughts like “well, there’s nothing new in the NT”. This is not true in the least, but that thought leads to the rejection of Paul. Then they reject the Messiah. Then they become pseudo-Jews. You probably know people who have done this. Now, who wants us to reject Yeshua, brothers and sisters? Where does doctrine that separates us from the salvation offered at the cross come from? I think you know.
We are studing the book of John on Shabbat and organically arrived at New Covenant language in chapters 15 and 16 last week. Please give that interactive study a listen for some solid teaching on the new covenant and how the Messiah amplified the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves to love our neighbors MORE than we love ourselves. Shalom.

Chris Deweese
120 Views · 6 months ago

Have you given any thought to living in a divine monarchy with a theocratic government?

Chris Deweese
96 Views · 6 months ago

The Last Supper was not Passover.

Chris Deweese
97 Views · 6 months ago

The purpose of Lazarus’ resurrection.
The distinction between Yahweh and Yeshua.
The purpose of the Gospel.
A new mixed multitude for a new covenant.
This is part of a Messianic series on the Gospel of John. The series is at

Chris Deweese
144 Views · 6 months ago

Please Stop Rejecting the Messiah
Calling Yeshua, aka Jesus, “God” or “Yahweh” rejects Him as the Messiah and is playing with fire.
There’s a fear that if people reject Yeshua as God, or see God and Jesus as two beings not one being, that they are likely to reject the New Testament. This is the opposite of my experience. People that I’ve seen reject Jesus have been the ones who think Yeshua and Yahweh are the same being. These often also call it the “renewed” covenant. This slippery slope often results in trying to recreate the wilderness experience and live like it’s the days of Moses. We do not live in the days of Moses, we live in the days of Yeshua and the New Covenant inaugurated in His blood.
The people who see Yeshua as just a man who was born of Mary but is still the Son of God call themselves Biblical Unitarians. These folks see a complete distinction between God and Jesus with Jesus have a starting point about 2K years ago. I’ve NEVER seen one of these folks reject the New Testament. In fact, they seem more attached to the New Testament than most.
To explain why believing Yeshua and Yahweh are the same being leads to rejection of the Messiah, we just have to look at John 3:16
Slide 2 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (Joh 3:16 NAS95)
If you believe that Jesus is God, then this sentence makes no sense at all. It would be a different gospel entirely, that God came down here and pretended to be His own Son or something. Even Trinitarians, who we are the hardest on, understand there’s a separation. When you cross the divide to them not being “them” but just one being, then hundreds of verses no longer make any sense.
Slide 3 Jesus (Yeshua) said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" (Joh 20:17 NAS95)
This is just one of the starkest examples out of innumerable verses that is incomprehensible if Yahweh and Yeshua are the same being. Beyond this, there’s a handy proof text in the OT for us to know exactly who the Father is:
Slide 4 But now, O LORD (YHVH), You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand. (Isa 64:8 NAS95)
My preferred bible puts YHVH as LORD in all caps. This clearly states who the Father is and it’s Yahweh.
Beyond the hundreds of verses in the NT where Jesus and God are different, we also need to have prophecy identifying the Messiah. This is how the bible works. God tells us what’s going to happen, sometimes cryptically sometimes not, then it happens. Most often when the prophecy happens nobody realizes it until after the fact, which was clearly the case with Yeshua. He had to explain who He was to them after His resurrection, hence my citing of John 20:17. The prophecies of Yeshua also have Him as not being YHVH. Psalm 2, Psalm 22, and Isaiah 53 all speak of someone other than YHVH being the Messiah. The one I want to focus on, though, is the one in Micah:
Slide 5 "Now muster yourselves in troops, daughter of troops; They have laid siege against us; With a rod they will smite the judge of Israel on the cheek. But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity." Therefore He will give them up until the time When she who is in labor has borne a child. Then the remainder of His brethren Will return to the sons of Israel. And He will arise and shepherd His flock In the strength of the LORD (YHVH), In the majesty of the name of the LORD (YHVH) His God. And they will remain, Because at that time He will be great To the ends of the earth. (Mic 5:1-4 NAS95)
This plainly says One will go forth from YHVH, One who existed from eternity, who will be a ruler in Israel. And He will come in the Name of YHVH, whom we know to be the Father. Brothers and sisters this IS the gospel, that God sent His Son into the world so that whoever believes in the Son will have eternal life. We know those who have the Son have life, those who do not have the Son do not have life. Any doctrine that teaches Yeshua is not the Son of Yahweh must be discarded, not even considered, otherwise you will have lost your Messiah, the Mediator between God and man.

Jay Carper
130 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Prophecy is exciting. It brings the crowds, creates social media buzz, and piques everyone's curiosity. Most of the time, when we hear the word "prophecy", we think of revelations about the future. But is that really what prophecy is?

On August 20, Tim Hillis of Remnant Nation University joined Common Sense Bible Study for a conversation about the nature of prophecy. What is it? How can you recognize it? What's the difference between a true and false prophet?

From the Remnant Nation website ( ) :

Tim is a dedicated and knowledgeable student of God's Word and His movement around the globe. As a leader called to do the work of an apostle, he fearlessly challenges the religiosity that has entrenched itself in the "church" culture and seeks to bring a fresh perspective on the First Century to the modern Body-Bride of Messiah. Through his articles, blogs, and messages, Tim boldly exposes the "takanot", a Hebrew word referring to the rules of religious leaders that have caused people to interpret scripture incorrectly.

Tim's journey in ministry has been an incredible adventure, full of challenges and opportunities for growth! After completing some of his education and serving in various positions within the Church of God, Tim felt called to a broader harvest field. He completed training in a "School of the Prophets" and then attended World Harvest Bible College.

Tim and his wife Naphtali are ordained by Christian International (Santa Rosa Beach, FL) under the vision of Dr. Bill Hamon. Tim completed his studies and successfully defended 2 theses for a PhD in Biblical Philosophy and Theology May 1st, 2017.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Chris Deweese
134 Views · 7 months ago

Trying to enter through a different door and the ancient, yet subordinate, relationship between Yahweh and Yeshua.
This study is part of a series on the Gospel of John. All the videos of this series are posted at this link once they're completed.

Chris Deweese
131 Views · 7 months ago

The Torah keeping groups have a blessed tradition of corporate prayers. Does your congregation?

Chris Deweese
131 Views · 7 months ago

The Pharisees Were Chickens
This is part of our congregational study of the Gospel of John from a Hebraic perspective. The series and many other teachings on early Christianity are available at

Chris Deweese
172 Views · 7 months ago

This is an excerpt from our study on John 5. The KJV translators purposely manipulated the text at John 5 to introduce doctrines the bible doesn't support. They actually changed the words of Jesus, aka Yeshua, to things He did not say. They did this to make people believe doctrines of men. Today, people making Sacred Name bibles and Hebrew Roots bibles are doing this same thing. This video shows those lies and how to quickly evaluate a bible for accuracy at two specific places.

178 Views · 8 months ago

The SKF Passover Package Program was created in 2011 and is now the largest of its kind in the nation. It is designed to enable Sabbath and festival observant inmates across the USA to keep the most basic of scriptural commands of Passover while in prison, and without this service, they cannot. Over the last few years we have been blessed to be able to provide well over 10,000 Passover packages to hundreds of prisons across the nation. However, we could and should have provided many more than that. It is only for lack of funds that we cannot provide these vitally important packages for all inmates of our faith.
We have worked very hard over the years to get them approved in most prison systems across the country, and we are very blessed to now have many Chaplains and volunteers calling us each spring to request these packages for their Sabbath and festival-observant inmates. We are also blessed to have several volunteers from a wide range of Sabbath-keeping faiths who donate their time each year at our “Passover Package Party” to help us with the physical effort of putting together thousands of packages and getting them all into the mail. It is a herculean task, and there are a few loving people who always show up faithfully to do the work. Of course, we can always use more volunteers to help us do this, and you are invited.
Here in this brief video, we try to give you just a taste of what it is like to perform this blessed service to our brothers and sisters behind bars, and to see something of what our charity is all about. It is only a small sample of what we do, but I hope it accomplishes that task. For you who have already donated to help in this effort, thank you, and may the Most-High bless you for your charity. For those of you who have not yet donated time or resources, may YHWH inspire your heart to fulfill the words of our savior when he said,
“Then the King shall say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world – for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, ‘Master, when did we see You hungry and we fed You, or thirsty and gave You to drink? And when did we see You a stranger and took You in, or naked and clothed You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and we came to You?’ And the King shall answer and say to them, ‘Amein, I say to you, in so far as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’”

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