
Sarah Coller
141 Views · 1 year ago

Hard times are here and more hard times are coming. But there are all kinds of things we can do to make hard times a little less hard. People hear the term "prepper" and they immediately think they can't go to those extremes so they'll just do nothing. Today I want to talk about some practical physical things you can do to start preparing for hard times. If they never come, well you've gained some skills to pass on to the next generation.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com

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Sarah Coller
185 Views · 1 year ago

Recent generations have learned really well how to distract themselves from harsh realities --- much of the crazy we see is people trying to distract themselves from hard things that they've not been prepared to face.We have to do better by our kids. Most parents want their kids to have an idyllic childhood with no worries---but this is setting them up for some scary realities once they get a little older.I made a commitment to always answer my kids' questions at the maturity level they're at. I never dismiss their questions with, "wait until you're older".I'm hoping to give you some scripts throughout this video to help you communicate with your kids about hard things in an honest way.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com




Sarah Coller
157 Views · 1 year ago

It's time for Prep Day Radio! Tune in for some encouragement while you prepare for Shabbat!

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com


Sarah Coller
150 Views · 1 year ago

Its ok to be lonely in our convictions. Loneliness causes us to hold tight to the Father; sometimes YHWH is the only one who really understands our convictions. The closer we get to Him, the more we realize we are never actually alone.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com


159 Views · 1 year ago

BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 930 Those that don’t study the past are doomed<br />
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SYNOPSIS: This lesson has been in my spirit all week. I saw a video that took place in Israel on Monday at the Knesset. There was actual fist fighting going on in that building. Actual fighting between government officials. Hebrew Brother verse Hebrew brother. What is the fighting about? Has this happened to Israel in the past? If so what was that outcome? Is this a true sign of the end? When one Israeli government official is calling for the bloodshed of another official. The reason being because one wants to follow Torah and the other does not. In this lesson we are going to study biblical history that is happening in our world today. This will be a massive note taking message. So get a few pens and a lot of paper. <br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: BROTHER WILL FIGHT BROTHER. Romans 15:4 everything written in the past was written to teach us. Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:21-23 Brother verse brother. Luke 11:14-23 a kingdom divided will fall. Mattiyahu (Mat) 7:21-27 look at the order of HIS teaching. B’resheet (Gen) 37:4 they can not even speak to each other civilly. B’resheet (Gen) 19:9 break the door down, where were they? 1 Sh’mu’el (Sam) 8:1-3 the corrupt justice system. 1 Sh’mu’el 8:4-7 they are rejecting me. 1 Sh’mu’el (Sam) 8:8-18 do what they say, but give them a sober warning. Yirmeyahu (Jer) 6:16-19 tell them this. <br />
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We stream from our own website on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wednesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
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Our main website is

130 Views · 1 year ago

BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 929 “A Holy & Set Apart People”<br />
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SYNOPSIS: In the book of Acts chapter 10 Kefa (Peter) had some doubts about going to the gentiles. In more than one place in Torah it tells us; that we are forbidden from associating with the goyim. So was it biblically correct for Kefa to go to the gentiles? Was he breaking YEHOVAH’S commandments? In chapter 25 of the Book of B’midbar (Num) those men who associated with those gentiles YEHOVAH got so angry HE said hang them facing the sun. With that being said is correct that when YESHUA said it is finished HE really did mean the law? <br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: A HOLY AND SET APART PEOPLE. Acts 10:19-35 have no misgivings about going with them. D’varim (Deut) 12:29-31 not to be trapped into following them. Vayikra (Lev) 18:3 you are not to engage in the activities found in the land. B’midbar (Num) 33:50-53 you are to expel all the people living in the land. Acts 10. B’midbar (Num) 25:1-5 they invited the Hebrew men. D’varim (Deut) 4:5-8 when they hear of these laws. Mattiyahu (Mat) 28:19-20 no contradiction for the purpose is Torah based. Sh’mot (Ex) 12:48-49 if he wants to. Roman 11:11-22 one nation under God. Yechezk'el (Eze) 18:4-20 your sins are your own. <br />
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We stream from our own website on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
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Our main website is

159 Views · 1 year ago

BGMC MESSIANIC LESSON 928 are you ready for captivity <br />
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SYNOPSIS: There are pattern in the bible that we need to study. When we see the people in total disregard for the laws of YEHOVAH there is a big price to pay. We are told by the prophet Hoshea that YEHOVAH said “HE will forget their children”. So many people say how does a loving GOD hurt the children? The question should be, how do supposed loving parents not teach the word of GOD to their children? Has America allowed satan to run free in this land? Have we bowed to satan? What does it say to YEHOVAH when the largest gathering of satan worshippers ever are gathering for a convention on our land? Is there a price to pay?<br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: LEARN THE PATTERN. 2 Kefa (Peter) 3:9 it is not his purpose that anyone should be destroyed. D’varim (Deut) 30:11-20 if you follow these you will not perish. Hoshea (Hos) 4:1-14 the reason for captivity. B’resheet (Gen) 2:15-17 disobedience to the oral law. B’resheet (Gen) 6:4-7 chastisement of the N’filim & the Gentiles. B’resheet (Gen) 7:21-23 everything that had breath died. B’resheet (Gen) 15:13-14 Jew and Gentile get punished. Revelation 2:18-23 and I will strike her children dead! Yechezk'el (Eze) 12:1-16 pay attention. Yechezk'el (Eze) 12:21-28 there is a time when YEHOVAH says now is the time.<br />
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We stream from our own website on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
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Our main website is

155 Views · 1 year ago

Here is a wonderful interview and conversation with Sarah about her beautiful children's book she has written. Learn more about the behind the scenes for it, what it is about, why so many love it already, as well as her publishing business she has now. In the links below you can find where to buy it, her backstory video link, her publishing website and her Instagram account. I will also link to the book review I personally gave after I read it.

My personal book review video:

Buy "I Saw the Earth Wake Up" here:

Backstory video here:

Find her on instagram:

Sarah's Publishing company here:

Sarah Coller
151 Views · 2 years ago

Why are we told to fight almost every other sin, but with sexual immorality we are just supposed to run? Because it is a trap.

There's all kinds of ways to commit the sin of sexual immorality.

In ministry, we are drawn to one another because we are supposed to be in community. Sometimes in a church or other ministry setting, men and women work closely together without their spouses. The enemy uses this scenario to sow lies and to take our minds off of the good work we should be doing.

Today I share my testimony and talk about this important topic that many are silent on.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead .com

Sarah Coller
183 Views · 2 years ago

When you are trying to do anything effective, you often have to develop a thick skin. Eventually, you're going to have someone give negative feedback.
I think everyone deals with criticism at some point in life. How we handle it determines how qualified, relevant, and effective we actually want to be.

Sarah Coller
156 Views · 2 years ago

I've always heard this command in Exodus 20 means, don't say God's name in a bad way, don't use it as an expletive, don't say it unless you're praying or talking about Him. However, I don't think that's actually what the Father meant when He gave this command.

email: sarah @ torahledhomestead .com

Sarah Coller
157 Views · 2 years ago

Viewer requested video! Some wonder if women and children should wear tzitzit. There are different ideas and interpretations out there regarding this subject so I'll tell you what I see in scripture and what my own experience is.

Tzitzit tutorial from Raquel H:

email: sarah @ torahledhomestead .com

160 Views · 2 years ago

Sometimes it can be easy to yell. We can come out of that and not be known as a yeller anymore. With effort you can stop. Here are some practical things you can think on and what you can do to help you stop yelling. I hope this blesses you.

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too! Here are two I am on.


166 Views · 2 years ago

Becoming a strong woman who is a force to reckon with. Ponder these questions and thoughts on what it means to have strong character. How we treat people matters. Who and what are we representing?

Scripture references I make:
Ecc 3:1-8
Prove 14:1
Prov 16:18
Prov 18:12
Prov 18:21
Prov 31: 11-12, 25-28
Rom 12:18
1 Cor 13:2
1Cor 13:13
Philip 1:27
Philip 2:12
Philip 3:20
Titus 2:3-5
James 3:6-10
James 5:20
1 Pet 1:15-16
1 Pet 3:4
I Pet 4:8-9

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too! Here are two I am on.


207 Views · 2 years ago

One thing above all else should be doing. What are we seeking?

216 Views · 2 years ago

How are we acting in the home?

187 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Daniel Joseph from Corner Fringe Ministries reminds us of where our cares should be.

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