News & Politics
History is Repeating: The Comeback of Totalitarianism.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Did you know there are people who purposely want to erase history so that it does repeat? Do you know this was a very common weapon used against nations just a few decades ago?
Communism and Fascism were universally rejected in the 1990s. Somehow these are making a comeback and we have to stop it. These two terms refer to economic systems that bring about dictatorships where all commerce, thought, production, power, etc. become centralized in a government and the people do not possess any rights whatsoever. They are awful systems that bring death and oppression. Those of us who are in our 50s or higher were taught to loathe these systems and value freedom and the free market in school. We were taught this through books that showed the awful result of these systems of government. Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Atlas Shrugged, and other works were these books. If you’ve never read one of these, you really ought to.
Ask yourself a couple questions. Do you hold any beliefs today that are in direct opposition to something you believed recently? If so, how did that happen?
Do you hold any political beliefs that are completely incongruent? Meaning at total odds with each other?
If the answer is yes, you really want to keep listening. Because something has been done to you by outside forces to get you this way. Intentionally. And for sinister reasons.
The goals of the societal takedown. Keep in mind they socialist/Marxist/communist people did not believe these points were valid for society. They used these to destroy existing societies so they could replace authority with themselves.
Deception is key. It’s 100% trickery. You must be mad and outraged at something, even if it’s not real. In most cases it’s not real. Then somebody sweeps in with a fix. And the fix doesn’t even make sense. We’re 36 trillion in debt as a nation so we need to cut government. At the same time proposing cutting enormous taxes or even offering refunds. That makes no sense whatsoever. Zero.
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Did DOGE Accidentally Reveal the Babylon of Revelation?
There have been some significant developments with the world’s economy in recent years that shows us who the Babylon from Revelation may be. This video also includes a lesson on when to take the bible literally and when to not.
Messianic Torah Portion Vaera (I appeared) chronicles the beginning of the Exodus. In our study, we parallel the plagues of Exodus with those in Revelation 6 and contrast the purposes of each set of plagues.
Messianic Torah Portion Shemot is the beginning of the book of Exodus. This study is prefaced with the origin of the word Exodus and how there will only every be the one Exodus. We spoke about the remarkable parallels between Shemot and the end times. And, as always, why the Torah is so important to the New Testament.
Messianic Torah Portion Vayigash (and he approached)
The Torah portion is about Joseph’s revealing of himself to his brothers and bringing Israel into Egypt. The parallels between these scriptures and the New Testament are plentiful. Our discussion covers the despair of Jacob and parallels this to the grief of Yeshua’s disciples and the despair of the world as it awaits Yeshua’s return. We also discuss the joy Jacob experiences when he learns Joseph is alive and compare this to the resurrection of the Messiah. The theme established that Joseph’s brothers meant it for evil when they sold him into slavery but God meant it for good compares remarkably with the resurrection of the Messiah and the sermon given by Peter in Acts 2. We also touched on topics of end times studies and how the concept of the Noahide laws are folly.
The Christian Truth of Hanukkah
This study shows how Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, was referring to something that had already happened in Matthew 24 when He spoke of the Abomination of Desolation. In fact, His words about praying that their flight not be in winter or the Sabbath, that the would have to leave for the hills in haste, and women with children would have a difficult time were all a call-back to something that had already happened once. If you wish to understand what He was really telling them, we must study the Maccabees and the truth of Hanukkah, which contains much needed truth for Christians.
Messianic Torah Portion Vayetzei means “and he left”. This portion chronicles Jacob’s departure from the land of Canaan into the land of Haran to find a wife. Jacob made a deal with God when he left and had many lessons to learn in his 21 year away. When he returns, he is a changed man who properly credits Yahweh for his deliverance and wealth. Along the way, we have a lesson on idolatry. Jacob was not raised to be an idolator but he had to live in the land of false gods for 21 years. At the end of the journey, he rightly credits the God of Abraham for his blessings and rejects idolatry. The sages associate this passage to the rejection of idolatry and we connect this to Paul’s work in Ephesus, teaching that gods made with hands are no gods at all. The lesson for us with Messianic Torah Portion Vayetzei is that we also must reject idolatry despite being immersed in a culture of false worship.
Messianic Torah Portion Toldot
This is a discussion on the Torah Portion called Toldot from a New Testament perspective. Topics covered:
• How covenants are often inaugurated with meals and how that ties into the New Covenant.
• How incredibly evil circumstances can be used by God to bring about His ultimate plans.
• Why we need to embrace predestination and understand it is not at odds with free will.
How the collision of the USS Fitzgerald gives insight on the end of days
Preparing for the Fast
Be aware. Last year, October 7 was both the Sabbath and a high day. Israel was attacked. This year, October 12 is the Sabbath and the fast. This is a dangerous time.
The ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, aka the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement, are referred to as the Days of Awe. In Judaism, it is a time of repentance and soul searching ahead of the fast, which they consider to be the holiest day of the year. These are traditions so we take this info with a grain of salt understanding we can learn from traditions.
There’s also something to consider…. Christianity started as a sect of Judaism. The two were indistinguishable for decades after the ascension of the Messiah. Acts 15 was addressing what to do with Gentiles who accepted Yeshua, Jesus, as the Messiah and then showed up at synagogue. It’s more than reasonable to consider that our Messianic forefathers influenced Judaism before Messianics, aka Christians, were forced out of the synagogue. Jews associated the Day of Trumpets with having people be inscribed in the book of life and then, on the Day of Atonement, sealed in the book of life. These concepts have a New Testament eschatology flavor to them, don’t they?
We don’t know what the ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur signify. The bible doesn’t tell us. But they mirror the ten days between the first day of the first month of the year and the selection of the lamb for Passover. We know that Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets, signifies the return of Yeshua. We also know the Day of Atonement is associated with Yeshua’s sacrifice. Sometimes this is hidden, like in the special linen garment He was buried in and the one piece tunic He was crucified in. Those are reminiscent of the special clothes the High Priest wore on the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest came into the presence of Yahweh. We can see an easy parallel here. Sometimes the hints are not so subtle. In the book of Hebrews, it is written that Yom Kippur is a day for the forgiveness of sins committed in ignorance and the Messiah asked God to forgive His executioners because they did not know what they were doing. This would be a direct correlation. The Holy Days of Leviticus 23 are not just relevant to a New Covenant believer, they contain a lot of information about past and future events.
As you prepare for the fast, which starts at sunset October 11 through sunset October 12 this year, meditate on what the Messiah’s sacrifice has done for mankind. He has made a way for the forgiveness of sins committed in ignorance, to include His own executioners. This means He has made a way for the billions of people who have never known Him and His Father like we do. And praise Yahweh for sending His Son into the world for this purpose.
Amendment 3 in Missouri will make abortion more legal in Missouri than it is in France or Germany. This constitutional amendment needs to be opposed even if you are not opposed to abortion due to its macabre and dark nature. Text of the law is the second entry at Register to vote at
The Gospel message includes loving your neighbor more than yourself which was the fabric of western civilization. Yeshua explains this in His last words before going to crucifixion.
For this entire series, please go to
Are you ready to accept and embrace government authorized Christianity?
Are the False Gods Real?
I just finished reading Jonathan Cahn’s book Return of the Gods. For those of us who got into the faith once delivered because of the pagan roots of the biggest tenets of mainstream Christianity, this book is very familiar territory. Cahn takes the knowledge we all share about Baal, Molech, and Ishtar and brings it right into modern times. He also provides a great refresher on the reality that these gods were worshiped under different names by different cultures. Diana of the Ephesians is the same goddess as Artemis and Ishtar, for example.
Cahn traces the modern-day debauchery of sexual sin in the western world directly to the return of these gods. He does so in a remarkably convincing fashion. Cahn shows the largest success of Christianity was the removal of idolatry and the institution of biblical morality from most of the known world. Idolatry and these abominable sexual practices we see returning are tied together throughout scriptures. Romans 1 tells us this for the New Testament reference, but we can read the horrific practices of sacrificing children and temple prostitution all over the Old Testament when Israel went astray. Which was a lot more often than not.
For those who may wonder about the overwhelming slaughters Israel was ordered to bring to the Canaanites, well, it was because of these practices. Israel was to purify Canaan of idolatry not just for the sake of idolatry but to remove the behaviors of the people of Canaan from the face of the earth. Child sacrifice and abominable sexual practices had to be completely purged from the land along with the idols.
A disappointment is that Cahn doesn’t also tell his readers that Christmas and Easter are both pagan holidays tied inextricably to these abominations. It’s a shame that he clearly knows this information but doesn’t make the connection so his readers can take the appropriate action to purge the paganism from their lives today. Easter is the worship of a pagan fertility goddess and the resurrection of her lover called Tammuz. It’s not about Messiah at all. Christmas with its worship of evergreen trees and its timing at the winter solstice is also a fertility celebration. The 12 days of Christmas, the yule log, the mistletoe, and all that stuff were also tied to abominable sexual practices and idolatry.
But now to today’s question, one I poised to the assembly on Shabbat. Are these false gods real? The bible seems to say both things.
The prophets of Pharaoh could do some of the stuff that YHVH let Moses and Aaron do. The false prophets in the end times will be able to call down fire from heaven. When the witch of Endor brought up Samuel… it worked. So these beings seem to have powers and seem to be quite real. That also explains why we see the same abominable idolatrous practices all over the world spanning thousands of years. To reconcile the contradiction about gods made with hands not being gods at all, I would equate that to the physical idols. Those trinkets or statues held no power. But it appears whatever they represented did. And we should take care to avoid any practices that might open ourselves up to them. Shalom.
I don't think the present paradigm is anything to be proud of.
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Rebutting John MacArthur on his recent comments with respect to mental issues and medication. Frankly, how does a man get this old and believe such nonsense, let alone a minister?
Prophecy, Politics, Religion, Straight truth...The Sledgehammer Show<br />
TOPIC: SH450 Government Control<br />
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PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show”
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Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call...12/02/23 To find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew Roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
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PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show” <br />
We stream from our own website [a][a][/a][/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wednesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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Prophecy, Politics, Religion, Straight truth...<br />
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TOPIC: SH429 The ingredients for disaster<br />
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PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show” <br />
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We stream from our own website [a][a][/a][/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wednesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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