Government Authorized Christianity

106 Views· 10 September 2024
Chris Deweese
Chris Deweese
1 Subscribers

Are you ready to accept and embrace government authorized Christianity?

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Steve Caswell
Steve Caswell 6 months ago

The early congregation was not registered with the government. In fact they were in opposition. Also, the 501C3 was a gag order instituted by former president Lyndon Banes Johnson. He was not in favor of churches and wanted to limit their speech. I found a story awhile back of a pastor who refused to marry a gay couple and he lost is 501C3. Also, incorporating the church removes Yeshua the Messiah as the head. Only Yeshua has the preeminence. I have an article here you might be interested in

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Chris Deweese
Chris Deweese 5 months ago

We're a 501. It opened a lot of doors. We used to operate as an LLC/S corp but that was such a chore. Filing taxes and trying to explain why your ministry isn't a real ministry every time we wanted to rent a hall or a building. I'm afraid there isn't a good answer but life is a lot easier after filing the non-profit status. And nobody has ever contacted me about what we put out.

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