
Chris Deweese
17 Views · 22 days ago

Amendment 3 in Missouri will make abortion more legal in Missouri than it is in France or Germany. This constitutional amendment needs to be opposed even if you are not opposed to abortion due to its macabre and dark nature. Text of the law is the second entry at Register to vote at

Chris Deweese
12 Views · 26 days ago

The Gospel message includes loving your neighbor more than yourself which was the fabric of western civilization. Yeshua explains this in His last words before going to crucifixion.
For this entire series, please go to

11 Views · 9 days ago

An introduction to the ancient Way of righteousness

Chris Deweese
8 Views · 8 days ago

Preparing for the Fast
Be aware. Last year, October 7 was both the Sabbath and a high day. Israel was attacked. This year, October 12 is the Sabbath and the fast. This is a dangerous time.
The ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, aka the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement, are referred to as the Days of Awe. In Judaism, it is a time of repentance and soul searching ahead of the fast, which they consider to be the holiest day of the year. These are traditions so we take this info with a grain of salt understanding we can learn from traditions.
There’s also something to consider…. Christianity started as a sect of Judaism. The two were indistinguishable for decades after the ascension of the Messiah. Acts 15 was addressing what to do with Gentiles who accepted Yeshua, Jesus, as the Messiah and then showed up at synagogue. It’s more than reasonable to consider that our Messianic forefathers influenced Judaism before Messianics, aka Christians, were forced out of the synagogue. Jews associated the Day of Trumpets with having people be inscribed in the book of life and then, on the Day of Atonement, sealed in the book of life. These concepts have a New Testament eschatology flavor to them, don’t they?
We don’t know what the ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur signify. The bible doesn’t tell us. But they mirror the ten days between the first day of the first month of the year and the selection of the lamb for Passover. We know that Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets, signifies the return of Yeshua. We also know the Day of Atonement is associated with Yeshua’s sacrifice. Sometimes this is hidden, like in the special linen garment He was buried in and the one piece tunic He was crucified in. Those are reminiscent of the special clothes the High Priest wore on the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest came into the presence of Yahweh. We can see an easy parallel here. Sometimes the hints are not so subtle. In the book of Hebrews, it is written that Yom Kippur is a day for the forgiveness of sins committed in ignorance and the Messiah asked God to forgive His executioners because they did not know what they were doing. This would be a direct correlation. The Holy Days of Leviticus 23 are not just relevant to a New Covenant believer, they contain a lot of information about past and future events.
As you prepare for the fast, which starts at sunset October 11 through sunset October 12 this year, meditate on what the Messiah’s sacrifice has done for mankind. He has made a way for the forgiveness of sins committed in ignorance, to include His own executioners. This means He has made a way for the billions of people who have never known Him and His Father like we do. And praise Yahweh for sending His Son into the world for this purpose.

Chris Deweese
8 Views · 14 days ago

The Day of Trumpets, also called Yom Teruah, is an ancient Holy Day that prophecies the return of the Messiah. This knowledge has been lost since the first century.

Chris Deweese
8 Views · 11 days ago

Messianic Commentary on the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah. For the entire series on this study of John, please go to

Chris Deweese
6 Views · 5 days ago

Amendment 3 in Missouri would legalize abortion based solely on "fetal viability". The amendment defines this solely on the abortion doctor's discretion, which would technically and literally legalize abortion up to and perhaps even after birth. This video explores the text of the law and explains why this law needs to be opposed even by people who may not be pro-life.

Chris Deweese
5 Views · 14 days ago

The Father is the only true God and the mission of the Apostles.
For the entire series on the Gospel of John from a first century perspective, please go to

Chris Deweese
4 Views · 5 days ago

The history of the Day of Atonement is almost as old as earth itself. This day is applicable to Christians today and incredibly important for understanding the end of days.
Written notes of this message, given on the Day of Atonement 2024, are available at

Jay Carper
4 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Tov Rose joined the Common Sense Bible Study community for a live conversation about God's Fall Feasts.

All of God's appointed times are profound illustrations of his plan of redemption over the millennia. The Sabbath, the Spring feasts, and the Fall feasts are pictures of how God wants to relate to us as well as prophetic of how his plan will play out in history. Every one of them look both forward and backward at God's interventions in history.

We talked about Yom Teruah (aka Rosh Hashanah), Yom Kippur, and Sukkot among many other topics.

Tov is the founder of the New Messianic Version (NMV) Bible Project & Foundation and has authored hundreds of articles and over twenty books including, The New Messianic Version Bible (available through the YouVersion Bible App,, and Amazon). A few others include: The Baptism of Jesus from a Jewish Perspective, Jesus in the Old Testament, Jesus in the Targums, Jesus in the Jewish Wedding, Jesus in the Passover, The Book of GOD: For Men, and more found on this website and available through most booksellers. He has several websites you should check out:

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

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