David Martin
David Martin

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David Martin
381 Views · 3 years ago

Top rooster defends a hen from a young upstart rooster.

David Martin
363 Views · 3 years ago

⁣"Final Trumpet"
By David L. Martin

Official Website: https://davidsinstrumentsofpraise.com
⁣The Torah Network: https://social.ttn.place/DavidLMusic
TRUTH Social: ⁣https://truthsocial.com/@DavidLMusic

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-856271850
BandCamp: https://davidlmartin.bandcamp.com/releases

"Where is the promise of His coming?" So say the sons of scoffers. "For since the passing of our fathers all things continue as they were."

Oh foolish ones how long will you mock and refuse His open Hand
Harden your hearts as your fathers did and you'll never understand
Will you wait for the moon to turn blood red and the sun to darken?

Final trumpet blast! He treads the wine press of His wrath!
Heaven's army will sing this song, "Fallen is Babylon!"

Will you forget the mighty waters, the world that passed long ago?
Our world is destined for the fire. How long your rebellion will you hold?

Oh foolish ones how long will you mock and refuse His open Hand
Harden your hearts as your fathers did and you'll never understand
Will you wait for the moon to turn blood red and the sun to darken?

Final trumpet blast! He treads the wine press of His wrath!
Heaven's army will sing this song, "Fallen is Babylon!"

Though He may tarry I will wait and those who wait renew their strength.
Though He may tarry I will wait and those who wait renew their strength!

David Martin
337 Views · 3 years ago

I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful gathering of Messianic families in 2016.

David Martin
361 Views · 3 years ago

⁣If you know the Name of the Heavenly Father, then you are truly blessed. But you also have massive responsibility. Everything you do and say will reflect upon the God you serve. Here's 4 ways to help you when sharing the Name of God with others.

David Martin
346 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Original Messianic Music! Forgiveness through Yeshua's blood truly is life changing.
"I'm Not the Same"
Words and Music By David L. Martin
Official Website: https://davidsinstrumentsofpraise.com
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-856271850
BandCamp: https://davidlmartin.bandcamp.com/rel...
Gab: https://gab.com/davidlmusic
The Torah Network: https://social.ttn.place/DavidLMusic
I'm not the same, my life's been changed,
The Blood of Yeshua's been poured down on me.
I'm not the same, my life's been changed,
The Blood of Yeshua's on [A]me!
Oh, the Blood of Yeshua's on me!
No more will I live for my sinful flesh
His Spirit empowers me, oh at last!
Past sins are over being washed away
Cause I'm not the same today, No I'm not the same today!

David Martin
344 Views · 3 years ago

"Set Apart in My Praise"
Words and Music By David L. Martin
Official Website: https://davidsinstrumentsofpraise.com
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-856271850
BandCamp: https://davidlmartin.bandcamp.com/releases
Gab: https://gab.com/davidlmusic
The Torah Network: https://social.ttn.place/DavidLMusic
Your Name is mighty, precious and holy
You're set apart in my praise. (2x)
May Your praise reach heavens heights
Like fragrant incense burning on Your altar.
The tower of Your Name we will run to it
And find our shelter under Your great covering.
You’re set apart in my praise.
So sad to see the world outside
Looking in thinking our God has no Name,
Well I'm here today to say, I'm here to proclaim
Know the power of the Name.

David Martin
345 Views · 3 years ago

God has a name used well over 6000 times in Scripture. Here's a few reasons why you should care about it.

David Martin
368 Views · 3 years ago

A cute calf.

David Martin
409 Views · 3 years ago

The clouds were low on this day. While those windmills are kinda useless for power they made for good video that day. ;)

David Martin
350 Views · 3 years ago

Some old video I had of some ADORABLE baby chicks.

Off topic, but I'm also a worship leader for a new band called Aromem! Come check out our music!


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