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Camp Ephraim
261 Views · 2 years ago

With fasting, sackcloth, and ashes I turned my face to YHVH Elohim to seek him in prayer and to plead for grace. Daniel 9:3

Camp Ephraim
276 Views · 2 years ago

Independence Park under lockdown

"A Jerusalem Sukkot Encampment"
with Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon

Camp Ephraim
224 Views · 2 years ago

Pesach 2020 - Shavuot 2020 - Sukkot 2020 - Pesach 2021 in Jerusalem

... if it is your desire to be at the right time in the right place - come to Jerusalem for YHVH's Mo'edim
It is not too difficult to come to Jerusalem to "YHVH's banquets"!

(If you are looking for fellowship in Jerusalem during the Feast, check out

Camp Ephraim
237 Views · 2 years ago

Jeremiah 31
You will return from the land of the enemy.
Your future is filled with hope, declares Yahweh.
Your children will return to their own territory.

“I have certainly heard Ephraim mourn and say,
‘You disciplined me, and I was disciplined.
I was like a young, untrained calf.
Turn me, and I will be turned,
because you are Yahweh my Elohim.
After I was turned around, I changed the way I thought and acted.
After I was taught a lesson, I hung my head in shame.
I was so ashamed and humiliated,
because of all the stupid things I have done
ever since I was young.’
Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a pleasant child?
Even though I have often spoken against him, I still think fondly of him.
That is why my heart longs for him,
and I will certainly have compassion on him,” declares Yahweh.

Set up landmarks!
Put up road signs!
Remember the highway, the road on which you traveled.
Come back, my dear people Israel, come back to your cities.
How long will you wander around, you unfaithful people?

Camp Ephraim
266 Views · 2 years ago

A man gave a large banquet and invited many people. When it was time for the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who were invited, ‘Come! Everything is ready now.’

“Everyone asked to be excused. The first said to him, ‘I bought a field, and I need to see it. Please excuse me.’ Another said, ‘I bought five pairs of oxen, and I’m on my way to see how well they plow. Please excuse me.’ Still another said, ‘I recently got married, and that’s why I can’t come.’

“The servant went back to report this to his master. Then the master of the house became angry. He told his servant, ‘Run to every street and alley in the city! Bring back the poor, the handicapped, the blind, and the lame.’

“The servant said, ‘Sir, what you’ve ordered has been done. But there is still room for more people.’

“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go to the roads and paths! Urge the people to come to my house. I want it to be full. Lk 14,16-23

Camp Ephraim
287 Views · 2 years ago

If you feel led to -
You are invited to join us!

Sept 6th - Sept 30th
start: Tel Dan
destination: Jerusalem
distance: ~160miles/~220km

WhatsApp: 00972 505-2-252-83
Our Website:

Abba willing and we’re alive:

we are going to walk from Dan to Jerusalem,
repenting from the sins of Jeroboam.

In Dan - where one of the two golden calves once stood we want to acknowledge
and confess our sins and the sins of our forefathers in sackcloth and ashes to express our mourning.
See Leviticus 26:40-42.

Then we will take of the sackcloth and ascend to Jerusalem rejoicing. See Jeremiah 31.
The plan is to start walking in Dan on September 6th 2020
and walk an average of 12 km each day (except Shabbat and Holy Days).

It is possible to join the group later on the way as we are walking.

All you should bring is:
Yourself, a Bible, a bottle of water and a set of dishes an cutlery.
We'll have camping equipment ready for you.
You won't even have to carry much. We will have our "Turtle"(campervan)
accompanying us carrying most of the stuff.

Arriving in Jerusalem Abba willing we will set up a Camp to dwell in "succot" for the whole week of Sukkot.

You can follow the walk on:

Nuge'i MeMoed


🔔Camp Ephraim📜Infos

💬Camp Ephraim open Chat

(Camp Ephraim JERUSALEM)

(Let your own SHOFAR be heard in ZION... via ZOOM)

James Block
Worship music inspired by scripture…
Youtube Channel:

406 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"Be Thou My Vision" is one of the most well know hymns of all time and for good reason. It's Celtic melody is one of the most beautiful masterpieces of music. Because Aromem wishes for there to be peace and fellowship between the Native American peoples and all people around the world, we continue to symbolize that fellowship by joining native instruments with others to make a sweet offering of praise to the creator Yahuwah.

Find our music for free download on these platforms!

Official Artist Website:

269 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"My Heart is Glad" is a new song by the team. This song hasn't been recorded with all the bells and whistles yet, but we wanted to release this a little early with an acoustic version.

David Martin
288 Views · 2 years ago

Top rooster defends a hen from a young upstart rooster.

257 Views · 2 years ago

Here I show some of the easy things I use for quick references. I will share other resources I use also in other videos.

Iain McClain_Wilhelm Melket Näher
261 Views · 2 years ago

I sang this song with a wonderful bunch of youth at a youth Bible School this last fall. This is a personal arrangement and was arranged to tell a story of how a believer's life is like. Originally written by the man Mennonites are named after, Menno Simmons, The tune is much newer. I do not own the copyright but want to share it to encourage others. One note: it is missing the Bass as my prominent Bass singer dropped out without notice.

262 Views · 2 years ago

One thing above all else should be doing. What are we seeking?

275 Views · 2 years ago

How are we acting in the home?

Lourens van Rensburg
279 Views · 2 years ago

Walk through the Scriptures with Rabbi Steve Berkson as he teaches about these emotional and critical subjects as you have never heard it taught before.

Don't miss out on new teachings every week. You are welcome to post your comments and please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.

For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website at

Join us on Social media!
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram: @mtoiworldwide
Follow us on Twitter: @mtoiworldwide

We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, email us at or call us at 423-250-3020.

Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE Streamed on our Main YouTube Channel every Shabbat at 1pm (EST) and every Tuesday for Torah Study Live Stream at 8pm (EST)

Anne Elliott
209 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Homeschooling Torah | Today we’re going to discuss how to stop feeling overwhelmed. You can find a list of all the verses mentioned by visiting our website at

237 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Here's a short rendition of "What a Friend We Have In Jesus" on the Native American flute.
Aromem is a family band where we worship the God of Israel in Native American style. David Martin is descended from the California Natives called the Mono and is lead singer.

Find more of our music at:

235 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Daniel Joseph from Corner Fringe Ministries reminds us of where our cares should be.

David Martin
265 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"Final Trumpet"
By David L. Martin

Official Website:
⁣The Torah Network:
TRUTH Social: ⁣


"Where is the promise of His coming?" So say the sons of scoffers. "For since the passing of our fathers all things continue as they were."

Oh foolish ones how long will you mock and refuse His open Hand
Harden your hearts as your fathers did and you'll never understand
Will you wait for the moon to turn blood red and the sun to darken?

Final trumpet blast! He treads the wine press of His wrath!
Heaven's army will sing this song, "Fallen is Babylon!"

Will you forget the mighty waters, the world that passed long ago?
Our world is destined for the fire. How long your rebellion will you hold?

Oh foolish ones how long will you mock and refuse His open Hand
Harden your hearts as your fathers did and you'll never understand
Will you wait for the moon to turn blood red and the sun to darken?

Final trumpet blast! He treads the wine press of His wrath!
Heaven's army will sing this song, "Fallen is Babylon!"

Though He may tarry I will wait and those who wait renew their strength.
Though He may tarry I will wait and those who wait renew their strength!

Camp Ephraim
658 Views · 2 years ago

A Shofar is like an alarm clock.

It is literally a global awakening.

"Blow the shofar at the new Moon sound an alarm in Zion.
It is a statute for Israel, a rule of the God of Jacob."
see: Ps 81:3 & Joel 2:1

Send an email to
Subject: next to new Moon
And then:
Let's sound the alarm together...

Is there any better way to prepare for the coming of the King of Kings than doing it together with praise and worship?

Please sound the alarm together with us and invite your friends...
(on TheTorahNetwork, MeWe, Gab:
Let your own SHOFAR be heard in ZION on the NEW MOON ... via ZOOM

On YouTube:

A Shofar is like an alarm clock.
It is literally a global awakening.

Around the world men and women of faith are setting their alarm clocks
to not miss this awesome opportunity.
At the same time each one blows the shofar from their country and at the
same same time we sound the alarm together in Zion through Jitsi.

So why are we doing all this?
Simply because it says:

"Blow the Shofar at the new Moon sound an alarm in Zion.
It is a statute for Israel, a rule of the God of Jacob."
see: Ps 81:3 & Joel 2:1

How does it work?
It's very simple:

Send an email to
In the header you write: next to new Moon
And then all you have to write is:
Let's sound the alarm together...

In reply you get the time and the link for our next Jitsi meeting.
Once you got the link, all you gotta do is: set your alarm clock, grab
your Shofar and click on the link.

You can actually choose to switch off your camera, if you prefer.
That is because we are going to record the meeting and post it on social
media, to encourage others to join.

Right after blowing the Shofar, we cite the greatest commandment
together. First and Hebrew then in English, and we'll go straight into
worship with worship leaders from around the world for sometime
while at the same time the chat is open for prayer and praises.

Is there any better way to prepare for the coming of the King of Kings
than doing it together with praise and worship?

Please sound the alarm together with us and invite your friends...
(on TheTorahNetwork, MeWe, Gab:
Let your own SHOFAR be heard in ZION on the NEW MOON ... via ZOOM

Remember it's very simple:
write: next new moon and
let's sound the alarm together...

Music: Paul Wilbur

from youtube video:

Music: The Shelter and Eilat congregation songbook

Song: Ki Ko Ahav (John 3:16)
(song nr.70)

Showing 27 out of 28