Return to me with all your Heart

365 Views· 01 July 2022
Camp Ephraim
Camp Ephraim
7 Subscribers

Jeremiah 31
You will return from the land of the enemy.
Your future is filled with hope, declares Yahweh.
Your children will return to their own territory.

“I have certainly heard Ephraim mourn and say,
‘You disciplined me, and I was disciplined.
I was like a young, untrained calf.
Turn me, and I will be turned,
because you are Yahweh my Elohim.
After I was turned around, I changed the way I thought and acted.
After I was taught a lesson, I hung my head in shame.
I was so ashamed and humiliated,
because of all the stupid things I have done
ever since I was young.’
Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a pleasant child?
Even though I have often spoken against him, I still think fondly of him.
That is why my heart longs for him,
and I will certainly have compassion on him,” declares Yahweh.

Set up landmarks!
Put up road signs!
Remember the highway, the road on which you traveled.
Come back, my dear people Israel, come back to your cities.
How long will you wander around, you unfaithful people?

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