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Yet My Heart Yearns For Zion - (Official Lyric Video) - AROMEM
Yet My Heart Yearns For Zion
Words and Music by Aromem
------------------------ A LITTLE ABOUT AROMEM ---------------------
We pair the ancient sounds of the Native American flute and drum with modern instruments to make powerful worship music. Our name "Aromem" means "I will exalt" in Hebrew and embodies our mission to worship the God of the tribes of Israel.
The team is lead by worship leader and songwriter David L. Martin. David is a descendant of the Mono and Chukchansi tribes in California. We hope you enjoy our weekly music videos!
Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.
Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/Aromem
Official Website: https://www.aromem.net/
Follow our social media posts
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@aromem
The Torah Network: https://www.thetorahnetwork.com/Aromem
Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/aromem
BandCamp: https://aromem.bandcamp.com/
So poignant. Love the music and the words.