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236 Views · 12 months ago

"War Cry"
Words and Music by Aromem

The God of Israel has never lost a battle. And because of Him our strength in war does not fail."I lifted my hands to the heavens, and behold my enemies were scattered. And my ears did hear the thunderous sound of the laughter of the God of Israel."

------------------------ A LITTLE ABOUT AROMEM ---------------------

We pair the ancient sounds of the Native American flute and drum with modern instruments to make powerful worship music. Our name "Aromem" means "I will exalt" in Hebrew and embodies our mission to worship the God of the tribes of Israel.The team is lead by worship leader and songwriter David L. Martin. David is a descendant of the Mono and Chukchansi tribes in California.

We hope you enjoy our weekly music videos!
Subscribe on Rumble for more music!
Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

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Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!

Garth Grenache
192 Views · 11 months ago

This message is for all people to hear, even if you think you know that you are a true believer in Yeshua. On the one hand you should always be making your calling and election sure, never assuming that your position is safe. On the other hand, if you are not confirming your commitment with all others you find to be having the commitment, how can we be united, knowing each other and knowing that you welcome us to call you to account? You need to inform us. Send your response to and let's get confirming you and us in the Commitment of Yeshua's Body.

Learn more here:

The Way of the Master has been Usurped by Imposters

There is a Way of the Master Yeshu` -a faith once for all delivered to the saints-
a Commitment, a Partnership, an Agreement, a Yoke, a Concord, an Allegiance,
a Fellowship of Yeshu`’s Pupils, His People, His Body
-a Commitment that existed during His life with mortal flesh, and which exists today
in the hearts of His humble, true followers,
and is expressed in their accountable interaction with each other
and in their enforcing of the received minimum standards of purity among themselves.

Since early times outsiders have added names to this people of Yeshu`.
The Yehudaye called them “Nazoraye” and the Hellenes called them ”Christianous”.
People lacking the Commitment have appropriated these names to themselves,
and added many other names of their own design,
as each person sets himself up as a teacher of a faith he crafts to his own liking,
whilst claiming to be true to Yeshu`, claiming to be of His Body, presuming that it is so.

On the one hand, with a loud voice they speak much truth about Yeshu`, ‘Yeshua’, ‘Jesus’,
telling multitudes that they must submit to the true King that Father Yah has appointed.
On the other hand, they themselves enter not in,
but by their divisiveness and their immorality and their lack of accountability,
they are keeping themselves outside and are imposters.

Yet there is hope for these imposters and their hearers, IF THEY REPENT,
turning from the sins and fabrications of their minds and hands
to embrace and hold fast the Commitment of Yeshu`’s One Body.

May Yah Almighty complete your repentance in you, friend,
stirring you -with us- to humbly ‘make [our] calling and election sure’
and may we confirm ourselves in the Commitment of Yeshu`s One Body.

Are you decided to be answering Yeshu`'s brothers and confirming yourself in the Commitment of His Body as long as you live?

Jay Carper
197 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Did we inherit guilt from Adam? Or just an evil inclination? What is sin? What is the remedy for sin and guilt and the evil inclination?

On December 6, 2023, the Common Sense Bible Study community was live with Rob Vanhoff to talk about Romans 5:12-21 and the doctrines of Original Sin. I say "doctrines" (plural), because there is significant disagreement among theologians about what this actually means. This was an amazing opportunity to have a conversation with a really smart guy with a deep understanding of the Scriptures and its ancient Jewish context.

A lifelong resident of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Rob loves Yeshua (Jesus) and teaches the Bible in many facets: cultural contexts, ancient languages and translation, interpretation history, and most importantly what it means to be a disciple of the Messiah today. His purpose is to bring accuracy and clarity to the articulation of the Gospel message within its “full Bible” framework. Rob has an MA in comparative religions and a BA in Near Eastern languages and civilizations.

Rob is currently an instructor for TorahResource Institute, where he teaches courses on the 2nd Temple Period, Rabbinic Literature, Judaism, Koine Greek, and Aramaic. He has also written articles and presented on ancient Jewish scribal tradition, the Masorah of the Hebrew Bible, and midrashic literature.

Links to some of Rob's online activities...

Messiah Matters video podcast:
Rob on the Rock, Rob's personal YouTube channel:
Rob's homepage:
Academic publications:

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

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216 Views · 9 months ago

In this episode of Hebrew Voices, Camp Ephraim Sukkot, Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon meets with people from among the nations who made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship the God of Israel on Sukkot in fulfillment of the prophecy in Zechariah 14:16-17.

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Dan Boone
214 Views · 8 months ago

Pharoah sends out the children of Israel (along with the mixed multitude). Moses gets baptized. Miriam and the woman dance a song of victory. The miracle of the Red Sea crossing. There is so much to look at this week.
Please join us as we dig into the word of Adonai.

Jay Carper
200 Views · 8 months ago

⁣What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.”
Romans 7:7 ESV

Reference also, James 2:8-13, Leviticus 19:13-18, and Exodus 20:13-14.

Paul plainly and strongly asserts that we are not to continue in sin once we have been saved by grace. We are not beneath the Law, but we are to live in agreement with it, because the Law tells us what sin is. Not just the ten commandments, but the whole Law, because as James explains, the Law is indivisible. If you break a commandment in Leviticus 19, it is just as much a sin as breaking a commandment in Exodus 20.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Dan Boone
221 Views · 7 months ago

Moses is in the cloud receiving the rest of the Torah instruction. Is this the beginning of the "Oral Torah"? Where does the Oral Torah stand against the Written Word? That's something to look at. We'll also start digging into some of the instructions contained in this week's portion.
Moses descends from the cloud and gives the people the words of Adonai. Their answer? "What the LORD has said, we will do". How did that work out? How does it work out for us when we profess obedience?
Please join us as we dig into the word of Adonai.

266 Views · 7 months ago

"I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (Yeshua)"
Cover by Aromem

"Though none go with me, still I will follow. No turning back. No turning back."Our cover now has a lyric video!

------------------------ A LITTLE ABOUT AROMEM ---------------------

We pair the ancient sounds of the Native American flute and drum with modern instruments to make powerful worship music. Our name "Aromem" means "I will exalt" in Hebrew and embodies our mission to worship the God of the tribes of Israel.The team is lead by worship leader and songwriter David L. Martin. David is a descendant of the Mono and Chukchansi tribes in California. We hope you enjoy our weekly music videos!

Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

Rumble Channel:
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Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!

Jay Carper
218 Views · 7 months ago

⁣So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.
Romans 7:21-23 ESV

For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,
Romans 8:2-3 ESV

Paul seems to bounce back and forth between different laws and spirits even in the same verse. It can get very confusing. Is he talking about the same law? A different one? Is this spirit the Holy Spirit or something else?

It's helpful to understand that Paul talks about at least 4 different kinds of laws and at least 4 different kinds of spirits. There isn't always a clear line between these different categories, but knowing that they exist can bring a lot of clarity to confusing passages like Romans 7 and 8.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Dan Boone
194 Views · 6 months ago

Do you struggle with life's problems? Do you feel like this life is hopeless?
Did you know that the patriarchs sometimes felt the same way?
Our Heavenly Father wants us to live a life that is full. Yet it seems like the problems of "every day" can wear us down. Is there an answer?

Chris Deweese
222 Views · 6 months ago

Are believers supposed to observe Passover or Easter to commemorate Yeshua the Messiah aka Jesus the Christ?
This message is available in print at where you will find many more resources about the faith once delivered to the saints.

George Lujack
171 Views · 5 months ago

⁣"THE APRIL 8, 2024 SOLAR ECLIPSE ACROSS AMERICA." written, produced, narrated, by George Lujack of Scripture Truth Ministries.

Rhy Bezuidenhout
184 Views · 5 months ago

Psalm 23 in a male acoustic melodic

Rhy Bezuidenhout
209 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Psalm 23 in a female acoustic folk melodic

Dan Boone
238 Views · 5 months ago

In keeping with the idea of being "set apart", the question arises regarding our walk. Who are we? This week we'll look at that. We'll examine some basic ideas regarding the Messianic walk. Call it "foundation work". What are we based on? What do we believe? How do we demonstrate that?Lots of questions to look into this week.

169 Views · 4 months ago

"Daughter of Zion"
Words and Music by David L. Martin

129 Views · 3 months ago

Yet My Heart Yearns For Zion
Words and Music by Aromem

------------------------ A LITTLE ABOUT AROMEM ---------------------

We pair the ancient sounds of the Native American flute and drum with modern instruments to make powerful worship music. Our name "Aromem" means "I will exalt" in Hebrew and embodies our mission to worship the God of the tribes of Israel.

The team is lead by worship leader and songwriter David L. Martin. David is a descendant of the Mono and Chukchansi tribes in California. We hope you enjoy our weekly music videos!

Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

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Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!


75 Views · 2 months ago

"So Believe" - Performed by Daniel, and excellent friend of Sabbath Keepers Fellowship

77 Views · 2 months ago

Sabbath Keepers Fellowship performs "Set My People Free" with "Dayeinu!"

Jay Carper
67 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Quoting Deuteronomy 30:14 in Romans 10:8, Paul makes a powerful rhetorical connection between Yeshua and the Law of Moses. The Torah gives life, but only to those who have already confessed Yeshua as their Master and Savior.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

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Showing 5 out of 6