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Identity, Grace, Forgiveness and God Math.The portion begins with the dramatic unveiling of Joseph's true identity and his reconciliation with his brothers. It then proceeds to tell the story of the migration of Jacob's family to Egypt and the rest of the famine years. This Torah portion begins to set the stage for the Egyptian captivity of the sons of Jacob.
Intro 00:00
Worship and Liturgy 09:01
Teaching 01:06:58
Prayer and Blessing 01:53:36
At present, however, I am going to Jerusalem bringing aid to the saints. For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make some contribution for the poor among the saints at Jerusalem.
Romans 15:25-26 ESV
Paul explains that the Jewish believers in Jerusalem deserved the help of the new Gentile believers, but he doesn't explain why they needed help. In this video, I offer some possible reasons.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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The recent history of time keeping can make it very difficult for us to understand how those who wrote the books of the bible kept time. When you stop to think about it, can you even relate to how we kept time just thirty years ago?
Please Help Me Minister In Israel
Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.
Romans 14:18-19 ESV
The one who is accepted by God isn't the one who serves himself, but who serves Christ and the body of Christ. Pursue peace with your fellow believers, not conflict. Build each other up; don't tear each other down.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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A Video Playlist of Testimonials:
Before the assembly in antioch, all "Christians" were called Nazarenes and Jessaeans, according to the Roman Catholic Church. The Bible says Paul is the ringleader of the Nazarenes Acts 24:1-5. These Nazarenes and Jesseans obeyed the law of moses, kept the sabbath on the seventh day of the week, and read the tanach in hebrew. History shows this continued until the Roman Catholic Church made it illegal, and burned them at the stake. Both Protestants and Catholics murdered the first sects of Nazarenes and Jesseans, because they do not like torah observance or 7th day sabbath observance or the holy days, or circumcision... They tried to replace biblical and historical Nazarenes and Jesseans with Roman Catholicism and the Protestant reformation. Nazarenes and Jessaeans are still here today and we are a minority: Still persecuted by Catholics and Protestants. My Website is You can help me get back to jerusalem to be an example of true followers of yeshua hamashiach, by spreading our video, website, and sending us a donation
Why I Am A Torah Observant Follower Of Yeshua Hamashiach
Shalom, and blessings to you and your family!
Fake Christianity lite since marcion, constantine, Augustine, and martain luther,
Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Romans 13:11-12 ESV
Paul often wrote as if he expected Yeshua to return at any moment. Was he making a false prediction in this passage? Or was he just longing for that day whether it comes tomorrow or in ten thousand years? What did he mean by salvation? What is the night and the day?
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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Quoting Deuteronomy 30:14 in Romans 10:8, Paul makes a powerful rhetorical connection between Yeshua and the Law of Moses. The Torah gives life, but only to those who have already confessed Yeshua as their Master and Savior.
From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (
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Daniel performs "A Friend Loveth Always"
In keeping with the idea of being "set apart", the question arises regarding our walk. Who are we? This week we'll look at that. We'll examine some basic ideas regarding the Messianic walk. Call it "foundation work". What are we based on? What do we believe? How do we demonstrate that?Lots of questions to look into this week.
This video explains what we teach about military service. The Bible says that God will establish His kingdom on the earth through His own miraculous power, so Christians should not take matters into their own hands; Sabbath keeping Christians should avoid military enlistment as conscientious objectors to prevent inevitable ethical conflicts.
Welcome to Hebrew School! Today we learned how to make the sounds of more consonants in the Hebrew alephbeit:
נן ס ע
Sing the Hebrew Alephbet song:
"Yahuwah Has Become My Yeshua"
Words and Music by David L. Martin
Old old song of mine wrote many years before we formed the band Aromem.
So a little about this song. Just about every time you see the word "salvation" it is being translated from a Hebrew word "yeshuah". Which just so happens to also be the name of the Messiah. So I just took the different declarations written in the Psalms and sang the word "salvation" as "Yeshua". It makes for a thought provoking message looking at it in the context of the Messiah.
We delve into the eternal mysteries and principles of the third day journies in Scripture and in the earthly ministry of Adon Yahusha.
**I, Rhy, am not the originator of this video, but believe it is worth
further investigation and therefore share it here on Tube.***
More information:
Big Family Homeschooler Testimony | The Real Reason for Shiny Happy People Duggar Documentary part 3
Join me for a three part series on my big family homeschooling mom testimony and what I believe is the real reason the Shiny Happy People documentary was made.
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Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA
See how I harvest and preserve my basil and dill.
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Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA
Lynzie and I meet again for a back porch chat! Join us to discuss Antarctica, messy politics, & more!
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Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA
BGMC MESSIANIC LESSON 928 are you ready for captivity <br />
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SYNOPSIS: There are pattern in the bible that we need to study. When we see the people in total disregard for the laws of YEHOVAH there is a big price to pay. We are told by the prophet Hoshea that YEHOVAH said “HE will forget their children”. So many people say how does a loving GOD hurt the children? The question should be, how do supposed loving parents not teach the word of GOD to their children? Has America allowed satan to run free in this land? Have we bowed to satan? What does it say to YEHOVAH when the largest gathering of satan worshippers ever are gathering for a convention on our land? Is there a price to pay?<br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: LEARN THE PATTERN. 2 Kefa (Peter) 3:9 it is not his purpose that anyone should be destroyed. D’varim (Deut) 30:11-20 if you follow these you will not perish. Hoshea (Hos) 4:1-14 the reason for captivity. B’resheet (Gen) 2:15-17 disobedience to the oral law. B’resheet (Gen) 6:4-7 chastisement of the N’filim & the Gentiles. B’resheet (Gen) 7:21-23 everything that had breath died. B’resheet (Gen) 15:13-14 Jew and Gentile get punished. Revelation 2:18-23 and I will strike her children dead! Yechezk'el (Eze) 12:1-16 pay attention. Yechezk'el (Eze) 12:21-28 there is a time when YEHOVAH says now is the time.<br />
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We stream from our own website on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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