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307 Views· 01 March 2023
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BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 931 What it true revival<br />
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SYNOPSIS: What is a true revival? There has been this event going on at Asbury University. They are saying it is the 5th great revival, is it? When it comes to the word revival, we as believers who hold to a Biblical worldview must be cautious how we use and define this word. A true revival, according to Scripture, has proper preaching, proper explanation of God’s word, the confession of sins, and repentance to the gospel. A revival can occur in the consciences of a group of people, or in the conscience of one person. Finally, a true revival is not just a one-time event, or an exclusively emotional experience. Let us learn today to be a people when we discuss the concept of revival to do so with what ELOHIM has revealed in Scripture, and not from opinions, logical presuppositions, or theological positions, but with true biblical understanding.<br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: CAN THESE DRY BONES LIVE? Malachi 3:6…Hebrews 13:8…Mat 5:18…ELOHIM NEVER CHANGES. D’varim (Deut) 20:10-13 This must happen first. Mattiyahu (Mat) 13:47-50 the separation after the catch. Mattiyahu (Mat) 12:49-50 the criteria from what is a good fish or bad fish. Psalm 119:88 revive me and I will do? Nechemyah (Neh) 9:1-3. Nechemyah (Neh) 8:1-8 explained the Torah to the people. Mattiyahu (Mat) 13:3-23 only one seed has truly come to life. <br />
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