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BGMCTV MESSIANIC Lesson 936 World Changing Events<br />
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Scripture: Sh’mot (Ex) 12:1-4 we know when this is.<br />
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SYNOPSIS: For today’s study of the WORD we are going to look at biblical world changing events. From big nation wide events to individual events. How an event could involve just two people but still touch all eternity. We are going to look at our individual role in these world changing examples. We are going to see how a great shout changed the lives of over 2,500 people. Are you ready for the world changing event heading this way?<br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Sh’mot (Ex) 12:1-4 we know when this is. Sh’mot (Ex) 12:6-17 kills the 1st born. Mattiyahu (Mat) 26:19-21 when evening came. Mattiyahu (Mat) 26:26-31 the 15th day for it has turned to night. Mattiyahu (Mat) 26:69-74 a personal world changing event. Mattiyahu (Mat) 27:15-17 the choice for all. Mattiyahu (Mat) 27:57-60 towards evening. Mattiyahu 27:45-46 during the afternoon bread offering. Y’hoshua (Josh) 6:1-16 the shout. Luke 2:4-20 a world changing event that started with just 2 people. B’resheet (Gen) 3:4-6 this world changing event started with failure to believe the word. Mattiyahu (Mat) 2:1-3 a few years later adding to the world changing event. 1 Kefa (Peter) 4:17 a world changing event. <br />
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We stream from our own website [a]www.yeshuatube.org[/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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