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295 Views· 11 April 2023
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BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 937 Second chances<br />
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SYNOPSIS: at this time of year during the spring holy days. We need to look at second chances. How after we left Egypt we were given a second chance. What do you do with your second chance? Do you learn from your mistakes? Do you grow in understanding? Or do you always want to be a baby on the milk? A second chance means it time to grow up and get on the meat. Today in this lesson we are going to look at an offer we should not refuse.<br />
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HASHABBAT LESSON: WAS IT A MISTAKE OR REBELLION. Mattiyahu (Mat) 26:69-75 this mistake at the worst time…coward? Revelation 21:8 what happens to these people. D’varim (Deut) 17:6 is there more than 2? B’midbar (Num) 30:3-4 don’t open your mouth. Yochanan (Jn): 21:15-17 DO YOU LOVE ME TO KEFA? Yochanan (Jn) 13:21-27 open rebellion. Vayikra (Lev) 4:27-28 was it a mistake or not? Vayikra (Lev) 19:27 SHOULD BE SIMPLE. Psalm 103:10-14 He has not treated us as our sins deserve. Psalm 86:15 merciful. Micah 7:18 who is like you.<br />
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We stream from our own website [a]www.yeshuatube.org[/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
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