Miketz - Reuben's Ambition

64 Views· 29 December 2024
Jay Carper
Jay Carper
4 Subscribers

⁣Then Reuben said to his father, “Kill my two sons if I do not bring him back to you. Put him in my hands, and I will bring him back to you.”
Genesis 42:37 ESV

Reuben's actions and words in Genesis seem random and a bit crazy until you put them all together, and then they start to form a consistent pattern. Reuben was a firstborn son who saw himself being bypassed by his younger brothers. Most of his seemingly bizarre interactions with Jacob, Bilhah, Joseph, and Benjamin can be explained as a series of attempts to regain his position at the head of the family.

Wild Branch Community is a home fellowship of Torah-observant believers in Texas between Houston and Austin. Find out more about us at https://WildBranchTX.org.

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