Red Heifer in 45 DAYS? When You See THIS, Know The Tribulation is Near

316 Views· 05 September 2023
Rhy Bezuidenhout
Rhy Bezuidenhout
3 Subscribers

⁣⁣⁣**I, Rhy, am not the originator of this video, but believe it is worth

further investigation and therefore share it here on Tube.***

Will a Red Heifer Ceremony take place in the next 45 days!? How can be we sure and where will it take place? And will this be the signal for Israel to begin negotiating the Covenant with the Many that launches the Tribulation? Watch this Nelson Walters video to find out.

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Steph 1 year ago

That is rather interesting; especially given that I've heard some talking of the possibility that the current happenings there will be solved by a two-state solution.
It almost seemed the narrator thinks the Talmud is a good thing....
The part of the group purchasing land on which to sacrifice the red heifer raised my eyebrows; maybe I am too cautious but that seems like hoping for the Day of YHVH.

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Rhy Bezuidenhout
Rhy Bezuidenhout 1 year ago

This is a video from Nelson Walter's channel and he definitely doesn't support the Talmud and only the Torah. I think he is trying to show that even the Talmud is "hoping" for this event.

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