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Where Is Jesus Now? Romans 6:8-9

304 Views· 14 January 2024
Jay Carper
Jay Carper
4 Subscribers

⁣Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.
Romans 6:8-9 ESV

What does it mean that Christ was raised from the dead? Can he have a physical body in Heaven? What exactly is Heaven?

The Common Sense Bible Study crew wades into some deep waters in this video while I repeatedly say "I don't know".

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study (https://CommonSenseBibleStudy.com) and American Torah (https://www.AmericanTorah.com).

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at https://jaycarper.com/paypal.

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Rhy Bezuidenhout
Rhy Bezuidenhout 1 year ago

Don't you believe that the heaven is in a higher dimension? As we are 3 dimensional beings, we can't see into a higher dimension which is why our eyes have to be "opened" to see into the spiritual realm/dimension.

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