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Beware False Prophets (Identifying the Anti-Messiah)

377 Views· 28 May 2022
Lourens van Rensburg
Lourens van Rensburg
2 Subscribers

International conspiracy, global domination, lies, deception, extortion - sounds like a James Bond movie, doesn't it? Actually, it's in the pages of the Scriptures as they refer to the End of Days that could be quickly upon us all.

No one can or will be excluded from the events that have been prophesied to happen. A world leader is coming who will draw everyone to him so that, if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. He is infamously known as "The Anti-Christ (or Anti-Messiah)."

Rabbi Steve Berkson lays out very clearly in this teaching the how, what, and why to being able to recognize this one who will be the most evil person of all time and, just like a James Bond movie, there is a twist at the end.

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Nahir G
Nahir G 3 years ago

Just calling himself a Rabbi knowing the true Rabbi Yeshua, is controversial.

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Lourens van Rensburg
Lourens van Rensburg 3 years ago

Chew the meat, spit out the bones...

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