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Career Prep for Creative Students with Luke & Kayte Abaffy (Life Skills Series)
Homeschooling Torah | In this month's Live Q&A Webinar, Anne Elliott
interviews Luke and Kayte Abaffy, producers of the Way Documentary, the
Christmas Question, and Luke’s new book, The Truth: Reformation 2.0.
They talk about the practical steps it takes to build a creative career,
with lots of advice for students (and their parents!) right now as they
prepare for their futures.
Please leave any further questions for them in the comments below! :-)
About Luke and Kayte Abaffy: Luke & Kayte Abaffy are the husband and
wife team behind The Way documentary, The Christmas Question
documentary (along with 119 Ministries) and now: The Truth: Reformation
2.0, a refreshing new apologetics book for Torah observant believers
that one reviewer called, “compelling and spiritually energizing!” Luke
is a journalist, videographer and writer by trade, and Kayte’s a writer,
producer, a former television actress and touring independent musician,
plus a Mama to their two young boys. Luke and Kayte are passionate
about making disciples. They want to help build up strong believers who
worship our Heavenly Father with a Christ-like spirit and in the full
truth of His word. You can visit them online at:
Learn more about Homeschooling Torah, a full K-12 curriculum that uses the Bible as the primary textbook, at: