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How Is It That Peter Reminded Yeshua of Satan?

327 Views· 09 March 2023
1 Subscribers

Thank you for watching Gleaning The Scriptures. In this presentation we explore why Yeshua said "Get behind Me Satan" towards the Apostle Peter. Have you ever considered how similar Peter's words were to the temptations Yeshua experienced in the desert?

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Most of these videos have accompanying articles. If you had trouble understanding it all, read it's accompanying article. The repetition of information, and time it takes to read makes a difference in digesting the information! The knowledge here is vital. check out the articles at the web-site below:
GTS on wordpress - https://gleaningthescriptures.wordpress.com/2023/03/09/peters-care-for-his-master-was-not-received-well-as-it-shouldnt-have-been/?preview_id=7102&preview_nonce=361c35d0a9&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=7123

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Here is a list of some of the equipment GTS uses to get the job done, followed by a link to the amazon wishlist.

Recording Devices:
Galaxy Tab A - https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-...
LG Tribute HD - https://www.cell2get.com/lg-tribute-h...

Editing software:
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Video Graphics:
LSNN YouTube Channel
Green Screen Nation YouTube Channel

Logo Music & Design, Respectively:
Rising Spirits - #freeintromusic - OurMusicBox Youtube channel

Music Credits

Intro/video - The Light by LiQWYD @ Audio Library — Music for content creators
Outro - Happy Life by FREDJI on Audio Library - Music for Content Creators

GTS Amazon Wishlist https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls...

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