That Thing No One Wants to Talk About in Ministry: My Testimony || Flee Sexual Immorality

288 Views· 28 November 2022
Sarah Coller
Sarah Coller
5 Subscribers

Why are we told to fight almost every other sin, but with sexual immorality we are just supposed to run? Because it is a trap.

There's all kinds of ways to commit the sin of sexual immorality.

In ministry, we are drawn to one another because we are supposed to be in community. Sometimes in a church or other ministry setting, men and women work closely together without their spouses. The enemy uses this scenario to sow lies and to take our minds off of the good work we should be doing.

Today I share my testimony and talk about this important topic that many are silent on.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead .com

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Justin Breithaupt
Justin Breithaupt 2 years ago

i looked for solutions in the bible, and i found that nazarites avoid sugary drinks like grapes and grape juice, alcahol, and sodom ate too much bread and we know they had salt, the bible says not to eat the fat of the offering sacrificed to yhwh, so i cut these things out of my life, and found that my desire for sex greatly diminished and i lost over 100 pounds. i use to weigh 250 pounds. After i lost weight people told me to stop dieting, but i don't enjoy temptation, so i continued avoiding these things. Some carbs and some salt is necessary, but not nearly as much as we are told is the daily recommended value.

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