Preparing Yourself to Talk to Your Kids About Scary World Events

335 Views· 04 March 2023
Sarah Coller
Sarah Coller
1 Subscribers

Recent generations have learned really well how to distract themselves from harsh realities --- much of the crazy we see is people trying to distract themselves from hard things that they've not been prepared to face.We have to do better by our kids. Most parents want their kids to have an idyllic childhood with no worries---but this is setting them up for some scary realities once they get a little older.I made a commitment to always answer my kids' questions at the maturity level they're at. I never dismiss their questions with, "wait until you're older".I'm hoping to give you some scripts throughout this video to help you communicate with your kids about hard things in an honest way.

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com




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