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198 Views · 2 years ago

Daily Psalms and Proverbs reading plan, which is listed below.. This is one way to regularly fill mind with His word. Especially when life gets busy. This reading plan covers 30 days. It is generally realistic to fit in and if you miss a day or more, don't worry, just pick up where you left off. The great thing about this one is you can just start it over when complete it and in a years time, you can potentially read both books a dozen times! How awesome is that?! Getting into our study time is important and this is one way to keep to help us in our studies and in turn, hopefully helping us with building better character. The kids can watch/listen along too!

Day 1- Psalm 1-9, Prov 1-2
Day 2- Psalm 10-17, Prov 3
Day 3- Psalm 18-22, Prov 4
Day 4- Psalm 23-28, Prov 5
Day 5- Psalm 29-34, Prov 6
Day 6- Psalm 35-38, Prov 7
Day 7- Psalm 39-43, Prov 8
Day 8- Psalm 44-48, Prov 9
Day 9- Psalm 49-54, Prov 10
Day 10- Psalm 55-59, Prov 11
Day 11- Psalm 60-65, Prov 12
Day 12- Psalm 66-68, Prov 13
Day 13- Psalm 69-71, Prov 14
Day 14- Psalm 72-76, Prov 15
Day 15- Psalm 77-78, Prov 16
Day 16- Psalm 79-82, Prov 17
Day 17- Psalm 83-87, Prov 18
Day 18- Psalm 88-89, Prov 19
Day 19- Psalm 90-96, Prov 20
Day 20- Psalm 97-103, Prov 21
Day 21- Psalm 104-105, Prov 22
Day 22- Psalm 106-107, Prov 23
Day 23- Psalm 108-112, Prov 24
Day 24- Psalm113-118, Prov 25
Day 25- Psalm 119:1-96, Prov 26
Day 26-Psalm 119:97-176, Prov 27
Day 27- Psalm 120-134, Prov 28
Day 28- Psalm 135-139, Prov 29
Day 29- Psalm 140-144, Prov 30
Day 30- Psalm 145-150, Prov 31

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too. Here are two that I am on.

Sarah Coller
208 Views · 1 year ago

Join me for a three part series on my big family homeschooling mom testimony and what I believe is the real reason the Shiny Happy People documentary was made.

Sign up for my newsletter at:

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com

Help support this ministry by purchasing books and handmade items from my shop:




Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA

Iain McClain_Wilhelm Melket Näher
193 Views · 2 years ago

Slideshow of Alaska some of my favorite songs that I played on the guitar.

233 Views · 2 years ago

"He Who Holds Almighty Power" is a song recounting the victories of the God of Israel across thousands of years. From the engulfing of the army of Pharaoh in the sea, to the cry of heaven in Revelation "Fallen in Babel!".


The arrows fly by night, ten thousand may fall at my side
No more ground I give to Yah's foesThe sword may freeze in my hand, yet I will not surrender this land
No more ground I give to Yah's foes

He who holds almighty power sits enthroned on high
and now the nations see HisAwesome might as he draws His sword.
Let the righteous prepare for war!

Mighty men of old, their strength was Yours alone
You raise fearsome warriors from the weak
Behold heavens champion comes! Yahuwah is a God of War!
Behold His reign has come forever more!

The horse and rider are thrown into the seaPharaoh and his army are drowned in the deep (3x)

A sword for Yahuwah and a sword for GideonA sword for Yahuwah and a sword for Gideon (2x)

Shaul has slain his thousands, Daveed his tens of thousands
Shaul has slain his thousands and Daveed his tens of thousands (2x)

Worthy is the Lamb, to receive all praise
Worthy is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain

Fallen is Babel! (4x)Fallen is Babel, fallen is Babel!Fallen is Babel!

If you like what you hear, then guess what? We're putting out a video every week! Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

Official Website:

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Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!

240 Views · 2 years ago

 Prophecy, Politics, Religion, Straight truth...<br />
The Sledgehammer Show<br />
 <br />
TOPIC: SH419 We need to go to the root<br />
 <br />
<br />
<br />
Wednesdays @ 7:30PM ET on<br /> <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show” <br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

228 Views · 2 years ago

Daily Psalms and Proverbs reading plan, which is listed below.. This is one way to regularly fill mind with His word. Especially when life gets busy. This reading plan covers 30 days. It is generally realistic to fit in and if you miss a day or more, don't worry, just pick up where you left off. The great thing about this one is you can just start it over when complete it and in a years time, you can potentially read both books a dozen times! How awesome is that?! Getting into our study time is important and this is one way to keep to help us in our studies and in turn, hopefully helping us with building better character. The kids can watch/listen along too!

Day 1- Psalm 1-9, Prov 1-2
Day 2- Psalm 10-17, Prov 3
Day 3- Psalm 18-22, Prov 4
Day 4- Psalm 23-28, Prov 5
Day 5- Psalm 29-34, Prov 6
Day 6- Psalm 35-38, Prov 7
Day 7- Psalm 39-43, Prov 8
Day 8- Psalm 44-48, Prov 9
Day 9- Psalm 49-54, Prov 10
Day 10- Psalm 55-59, Prov 11
Day 11- Psalm 60-65, Prov 12
Day 12- Psalm 66-68, Prov 13
Day 13- Psalm 69-71, Prov 14
Day 14- Psalm 72-76, Prov 15
Day 15- Psalm 77-78, Prov 16
Day 16- Psalm 79-82, Prov 17
Day 17- Psalm 83-87, Prov 18
Day 18- Psalm 88-89, Prov 19
Day 19- Psalm 90-96, Prov 20
Day 20- Psalm 97-103, Prov 21
Day 21- Psalm 104-105, Prov 22
Day 22- Psalm 106-107, Prov 23
Day 23- Psalm 108-112, Prov 24
Day 24- Psalm113-118, Prov 25
Day 25- Psalm 119:1-96, Prov 26
Day 26-Psalm 119:97-176, Prov 27
Day 27- Psalm 120-134, Prov 28
Day 28- Psalm 135-139, Prov 29
Day 29- Psalm 140-144, Prov 30
Day 30- Psalm 145-150, Prov 31

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too. Here are two that I am on.

Iain McClain_Wilhelm Melket Näher
235 Views · 2 years ago

This is something I found at a hardware store here. This is not a sponsorship but an idea I want to share.

Sholiach Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky
211 Views · 1 year ago

Delve intoi the hidden truths including what the Masorites have done!

Rhy Bezuidenhout
197 Views · 2 years ago

I am trying to build a collection of audion tracks that the TTN community can use as background soundtracks for your own videos.

Stupid Mystery was created by an AI platform called Mubert and you can use it royalty free in your videos as background audio.

If you are interested in creating your own Royalty Free soundtracks then you can join Mubert at ⁣


⁣The music is owned by Mubert Inc.:
Remix title: f4b6f40c97c24b53a9d0c66406a35bc9

Remix License Type: Ambassador License
Date of Remix Purchase: 08 Jan 2023 14:33:44 GMT

Jay Carper
205 Views · 12 months ago

It doesn't matter
what the Jews have done nor what antisemites say about them. If God didn't
keep his promises to Israel, to the physical descendants of Jacob, what kind
of God would he be? How could we trust him to keep any of his promises? Or
not to change the rules whenever he felt like it? The only hope of
forgiveness for sins to escape eternal damnation lies in God's character as a
promise keeper.

Iain McClain_Wilhelm Melket Näher
271 Views · 2 years ago

I sang this song with a wonderful bunch of youth at a youth Bible School this last fall. This is a personal arrangement and was arranged to tell a story of how a believer's life is like. Originally written by the man Mennonites are named after, Menno Simmons, The tune is much newer. I do not own the copyright but want to share it to encourage others. One note: it is missing the Bass as my prominent Bass singer dropped out without notice.

Camp Ephraim
236 Views · 2 years ago

Pesach 2020 - Shavuot 2020 - Sukkot 2020 - Pesach 2021 in Jerusalem

... if it is your desire to be at the right time in the right place - come to Jerusalem for YHVH's Mo'edim
It is not too difficult to come to Jerusalem to "YHVH's banquets"!

(If you are looking for fellowship in Jerusalem during the Feast, check out

252 Views · 1 year ago

"Yahuwah Has Become My Yeshua"
Words and Music by David L. Martin

Old old song of mine wrote many years before we formed the band Aromem.

So a little about this song. Just about every time you see the word "salvation" it is being translated from a Hebrew word "yeshuah". Which just so happens to also be the name of the Messiah. So I just took the different declarations written in the Psalms and sang the word "salvation" as "Yeshua". It makes for a thought provoking message looking at it in the context of the Messiah.

222 Views · 1 year ago

David takes it upon himself to review the controversial Peanut Butter Pickle Sandwich.

205 Views · 1 year ago

Why did YEHOVAH give us the two tablets of the commandments? How does commandment #3 line up with number 6? And #4 with #7 ect...<br />
<br />
We stream from our own website [a][/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
<br />
If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
<br />
Our main website is <br />
<br />
SOCIAL MEDIA:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
www.<br /><br />
Telegram<br /><br /><br /><br />

Sarah Coller
192 Views · 1 year ago

Patient and gracious YHWH begins teaching Moses how to walk in His ways and prepares him to lead his people out of bondage.

You can support this ministry in two ways:

Donate here:

or Purchase books and handmade items from my shop:

Thank you!

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com




Sign up for my newsletter at:

Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA

Jay Carper
199 Views · 1 year ago

⁣For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.
Romans 2:25 ESV

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
Galatians 5:6 ESV

We know that Paul was not completely opposed to circumcision because he said so and he circumcised Timothy himself. So how can we reconcile these seemingly conflicting statements? The answer is in the statements themselves: faith and obedience.

This is an excerpt fromt he weekly Bible Study at Common Sense Bible Study ( with Jay Carper from American Torah (

This content is free, but I accept contributions via Paypal at

Follow me on Truth Social:
Send me a friend request on The Torah Network:
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216 Views · 2 years ago

Daily Psalms and Proverbs reading plan, which is listed below.. This is one way to regularly fill mind with His word. Especially when life gets busy. This reading plan covers 30 days. It is generally realistic to fit in and if you miss a day or more, don't worry, just pick up where you left off. The great thing about this one is you can just start it over when complete it and in a years time, you can potentially read both books a dozen times! How awesome is that?! Getting into our study time is important and this is one way to keep to help us in our studies and in turn, hopefully helping us with building better character. The kids can watch/listen along too!

Day 1- Psalm 1-9, Prov 1-2
Day 2- Psalm 10-17, Prov 3
Day 3- Psalm 18-22, Prov 4
Day 4- Psalm 23-28, Prov 5
Day 5- Psalm 29-34, Prov 6
Day 6- Psalm 35-38, Prov 7
Day 7- Psalm 39-43, Prov 8
Day 8- Psalm 44-48, Prov 9
Day 9- Psalm 49-54, Prov 10
Day 10- Psalm 55-59, Prov 11
Day 11- Psalm 60-65, Prov 12
Day 12- Psalm 66-68, Prov 13
Day 13- Psalm 69-71, Prov 14
Day 14- Psalm 72-76, Prov 15
Day 15- Psalm 77-78, Prov 16
Day 16- Psalm 79-82, Prov 17
Day 17- Psalm 83-87, Prov 18
Day 18- Psalm 88-89, Prov 19
Day 19- Psalm 90-96, Prov 20
Day 20- Psalm 97-103, Prov 21
Day 21- Psalm 104-105, Prov 22
Day 22- Psalm 106-107, Prov 23
Day 23- Psalm 108-112, Prov 24
Day 24- Psalm113-118, Prov 25
Day 25- Psalm 119:1-96, Prov 26
Day 26-Psalm 119:97-176, Prov 27
Day 27- Psalm 120-134, Prov 28
Day 28- Psalm 135-139, Prov 29
Day 29- Psalm 140-144, Prov 30
Day 30- Psalm 145-150, Prov 31

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too. Here are two that I am on.

Anne Elliott
180 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Homeschooling Torah | Today we’re going to discuss fun ways to teach the Ten Commandments to your children. You can find more resources mentioned on our website at

213 Views · 2 years ago

Thank you for watching a Gleaning The Scriptures presentation of another teaching that ultimately comes from The Greatest Teacher Who Ever Lived: Yeshua Messiah!

Subscribe and request notifications to learn how the old testament and new testament coincide, to learn how Torah is applicable and vital for a genuine relationship with Yeshua today, why sacrifice and hard work can lead to freedom from sin in this life, to learn how each of the covenants build upon eachother never superseding one another, and much much more.


READ! GTS on wordpress -

GTS is always looking for encouraging and skilled creators. We are looking for:

Video Editors
Social Media Marketing folks
Writing Editor's
Guest Spotlight organizers
Here is a list of some of the equipment GTS uses to get the job done, followed by a link to the amazon wishlist.

Recording Devices:
Galaxy Tab A -
LG Tribute HD -

Editing software:
VSDC Video Editor -
Blender -

Graphic Features:
LSNN YouTube Channel
Green Screen Nation YouTube Channel

Logo Music & Design, Respectively:
Rising Spirits - #freeintromusic - OurMusicBox Youtube channel

Music Credits

Intro Music - Bittersweet by PunchDeck
Outro Music - Happy Life by FREDJI Found on YouTube Channel "Audio Library - Music for Content Creators"
GTS Amazon Wishlist

Showing 8 out of 27