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Mistha Tru
234 Views · 2 years ago

⁣A reading from the book of The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English with Psalms & Proverbs

Dan Boone
203 Views · 9 months ago

In this week's Torah portion named "Vayischlach" (..and he sent..) we see the familiar story of Jacob's wrestling match as well as his reunion with his brother Esau, and the death of Rachel.
We're going to focus on Jacob's name change this week and how it mirrors our change through Yeshua. Do you know who you are in Messiah Yeshua? What you call yourself has a lot to do with how you walk in the blessings that are yours.
Come dig in with us this week.

Antonio Di Marco
222 Views · 2 years ago

Filmed in the Tabernacle in Israel, Messianic worship artist Sarah Liberman sings of the power of the blood. From the album "I am Before You". Available on iTunes at: or purchase at

Credits and special thanks to:
Filming & Editing: Aspiring Productions, Michael Hilsden
Shot on: KineMINI 4K - Cooke Varotal 18-100MM optics
Camera Assistant: Jesse Kopp
Hair & Makeup: Diana Frenkel@Dia'z, Simcha Natan
Band Members: Eli Friedman, Alex Ivanov, Yuri Muchin, Simcha Natan, Eliel Foss, Sarah Liberman
- The Reconstructed Tabernacle, Timna Park, Alimae and Joshua
- Kehliat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation), David & Karen Davis,
Peter & Rita Tsukahira
Song production: Oshik Nizri & Sarah Liberman from "I Am Before You" album

Song lyrics:
{Aaronic Blessing}

Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me
Place the power of Your Word within me
Fill me, fill me

I will bow down before the throne of God
I will lift Your Name above all names
There is none like You Adonai
Among the gods
Fill me, fill me

Fill me with Your love
PlaceYour healing power within me
Fill me, fill me

Your blood purifies me
Your blood frees me
I am free, I am free

You are great and greatly to be praised

Who is like Thee Adonai
majestic in holiness
Awesome in glory
working wonders

Song transliteration:
Ten bi et esh ruchacha
Ten bi et koach dvarcha
Maleh oti, Maleh oti

Ani echrah lifnei kes Elohim
Aromem et shimcha m’al kol shem
Ein kamocha Adonai ba-elim
Maleh oti, Maleh oti

Sim bi et kol ahavatcha
Sim bi et chom r’fuatcha
Maleh oti, Maleh oti

Damcha metaher
Damcha meshachrer, Oti
Ani chofshi, ani chofshi
Gadol ata u’mehulal m’od

Mi kamocha Adonai, nedar bakodesh
Norah tehilot, oseh feleh

Hebrew lyrics:
(ברכת הכהנים)
תן בי את אש רוחך
תן בי את כח דברך
מלא אותי, מלא אותי

אני אכרע לפני כס אלוהים
ארומם את שמך מעל כל שם
אין כמוך אדוני באלים
מלא אותי, מלא אותי

שים בי את כל אהבתך
שים בי את חום רפואתך
מלא אותי, מלא אותי

דמך מטהר, דמך משחרר אותי
אני חופשי, אני חופשי
גדול אתה ומהולל מאוד

מי כמוך אדוני, נאדר בקודש
נורא תהילות, עושה פלא

215 Views · 1 year ago

Why did YEHOVAH give us the two tablets of the commandments? How does commandment #1 line up with number 5? And #2 with #6 ect...<br />
<br />
We stream from our own website on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
<br />
If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
<br />
Our main website is <br />
<br />
SOCIAL MEDIA:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
www.<br /><br />
Telegram<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br />
<br />

Sarah Coller
238 Views · 1 year ago

Mom joins us today for this special prep day radio episode on preparedness.

Sign up for my newsletter at:

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com

Help support this ministry by purchasing books and handmade items from my shop:




Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA

197 Views · 2 years ago

 Prophecy, Politics, Religion, Straight truth...<br />
The Sledgehammer Show<br />
 <br />
TOPIC: SH420 It is happening just like HE said it would<br />
 <br />
<br />
<br />
Wednesdays @ 7:30PM ET on<br />
[a][a][/a][/a] <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
PROPHECY. We are living in a time like no other in history, but fortunately for us God wrote it down all in His prophecies what would happen next on the “SledgeHammer” show.<br />
Find out what prophecies came true this week…“ripped straight from the headlines” Verily I say unto you, the only way to rightly understand prophecy is…from a Messianic Hebrew roots perspective. For without the roots the tree is dead. <br />
Stayed tuned for the prophecy news headline show “The Remnant’s call…The Sledgehammer show”<br />
<br />
We stream from our own website [a][a][/a][/a] on Tuesday @ 7:30 PM ET for The City Gate Messianic Bible Study. Wenesday 7:30 PM ET for The Sledgehammer Show. Shabbat (Sat) 11AM ET for a live Shabbat Service.<br />
<br />
If you don’t see us on youtube go to our other channel on Rumble <br />
<br />
Our main website is <br />
<br />
SOCIAL MEDIA:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
www.<br /><br />
Telegram<br /><br /><br /><br />

202 Views · 2 years ago

⁣This video presents what we teach about the Mosaic Law; it discusses the role of the ⁣Law in the Old and New Covenants, refutes the notion that the Law has been abolished, and affirms the abiding significance of God’s commandments as a guide for Christian living.

261 Views · 11 months ago

Team Aromem plays "Broken".
A prayer to break curses and a blessing to receive the goodness of Yah for the tribes of America.

On July 9th we had the pleasure of performing our very first live streamed concert on the Headmaster's Homeroom show. Many thanks to Lady Hamilton and Liberty Arise Media for making the event possible!

You can find Lady Hamilton and other Liberty Arise Media content here: @LibertyAriseMedia

And on Rumble here:

We are a family band playing contemporary Native American worship music. We use Native flutes and drums along with modern instruments to create a unique and powerful experience!Subscribe to Aromem on Rumble for more music!

Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

Official Website:
Follow our social media postsTruth Social:
The Torah Network:

Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!

187 Views · 2 years ago

"What A Friend We Have In Jesus"Performed by Aromem

If you like what you hear, then guess what? We're putting out a video every week! Subscribe on Rumble for more music! Also we're putting out other great content on Truth Social and we've love to connect with you there.

Official Website:

Follow our social media postsTruth Social:
The Torah Network:
Also find our music on SoundCloud and BandCamp!

206 Views · 1 year ago

Thank you for watching Gleaning The Scriptures. This video explores Judas' kiss in contrast with Deuteronomy Ch. 28, the laws of Torah, and how Judas' conversation betraying Yeshua reveals why The Temple was destroyed.

One Time Donations Can Be Accomplished @

Most of these videos have accompanying articles. If you had trouble understanding it all, read it's accompanying article. The repatition of information is vital!
This Video's Accompanying Article - in a new tab)

GTS is always looking for encouraging and skilled creators. We need

Video Editors
Social Media Marketing Peeps
Writing Editor's
Guest Spotlight organizers
Here is a list of some of the equipment GTS uses to get the job done, followed by a link to the amazon wishlist.

Recording Devices
Blu G91Max

Editing software:
VSDC Video Editor -
Blender -

Video Graphics:
LSNN YouTube Channel
Green Screen Nation YouTube Channel
Thumbnail made in part with DALL-E Ai picture generator

Logo Music & Design, Respectively:
Rising Spirits - #freeintromusic - OurMusicBox Youtube channel

Music Credits

The Way To You by Sapajou

Purchase a Gift From Our Wishlist!
GTS Amazon Wishlist

216 Views · 2 years ago

Daily Psalms and Proverbs reading plan, which is listed below.. This is one way to regularly fill mind with His word. Especially when life gets busy. This reading plan covers 30 days. It is generally realistic to fit in and if you miss a day or more, don't worry, just pick up where you left off. The great thing about this one is you can just start it over when complete it and in a years time, you can potentially read both books a dozen times! How awesome is that?! Getting into our study time is important and this is one way to keep to help us in our studies and in turn, hopefully helping us with building better character. The kids can watch/listen along too!

Day 1- Psalm 1-9, Prov 1-2
Day 2- Psalm 10-17, Prov 3
Day 3- Psalm 18-22, Prov 4
Day 4- Psalm 23-28, Prov 5
Day 5- Psalm 29-34, Prov 6
Day 6- Psalm 35-38, Prov 7
Day 7- Psalm 39-43, Prov 8
Day 8- Psalm 44-48, Prov 9
Day 9- Psalm 49-54, Prov 10
Day 10- Psalm 55-59, Prov 11
Day 11- Psalm 60-65, Prov 12
Day 12- Psalm 66-68, Prov 13
Day 13- Psalm 69-71, Prov 14
Day 14- Psalm 72-76, Prov 15
Day 15- Psalm 77-78, Prov 16
Day 16- Psalm 79-82, Prov 17
Day 17- Psalm 83-87, Prov 18
Day 18- Psalm 88-89, Prov 19
Day 19- Psalm 90-96, Prov 20
Day 20- Psalm 97-103, Prov 21
Day 21- Psalm 104-105, Prov 22
Day 22- Psalm 106-107, Prov 23
Day 23- Psalm 108-112, Prov 24
Day 24- Psalm113-118, Prov 25
Day 25- Psalm 119:1-96, Prov 26
Day 26-Psalm 119:97-176, Prov 27
Day 27- Psalm 120-134, Prov 28
Day 28- Psalm 135-139, Prov 29
Day 29- Psalm 140-144, Prov 30
Day 30- Psalm 145-150, Prov 31

Don't forget you can find me on social media, so come on over and join me there too. Here are two that I am on.

Anne Elliott
180 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Homeschooling Torah | Today we’re going to discuss fun ways to teach the Ten Commandments to your children. You can find more resources mentioned on our website at

Rhy Bezuidenhout
239 Views · 1 year ago

**I, Rhy, am not the originator of this video, but believe it is worth further investigation and therefore share it here on Tube.***
Dozens of Biblical prophecies not only point to the exact year of the Messiah's first coming (30 C.E.), but those same prophecies even point to the year of his return (2030 C.E.). It has all been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years.No man knows the day and hour of the Messiah's return, however the Bible makes it definitively clear we are to know the season (Matt 24: 32-36).
Extended Trailer: Trailer: Digital
Download: list for updates, additional content, discussion forum, contact us)1080p Blu-ray: copy recommended)


This is a call for a watch, not setting a date. If your house is not in order, and you do not know our Savior, there is no time like the present.

Timestamps to the 40 messianic timing prophecies covered in the film:

1:54 The Creation Prophecy
18:10 The Sabbath Prophecy
21:10 The Four of Seven Prophecy
24:20 The Fourth Commandment Prophecy
24:54 The Hosea Prophecy
25:29 The Jubilee Principle
26:52 The Genesis 6 Prophecy
28:54 The Death of Moses Prophecy
29:50 The Jubilee Prophecy
33:25 The Exodus Prophecy
35:18 The 2,000 Cubits Prophecy
36:24 The Lazarus Prophecy
40:59 The Woman at the Well Prophecy
44:25 The Official’s Son Prophecy
46:40 The Good Samaritan Prophecy
47:53 The Fasting Prophecy
49:05 The Mount Sinai Prophecy
50:56 The Healing on the Sabbath Prophecy
52:10 Ascending the Mountain Prophecy
53:57 The Ascension Prophecy
54:54 The Transfiguration Prophecy
57:01 The Job Prophecy
57:49 The Temple Prophecy
1:06:29 The Servant Prophecy
1:08:11 The Land Rest Prophecy
1:08:49 The Appearing on the Seventh Day Prophecy
1:09:35 The David and Goliath Prophecy
1:12:10 The Wedding Day Prophecy
1:13:43 The Jonah Prophecy
1:18:45 The Jericho Prophecy
1:20:04 The Feeding of the Four Thousand Prophecy
1:23:04 The Esther Prophecy
1:25:06 The Three Measures of Leaven Prophecy
1:26:47 The Enoch Prophecy
1:27:50 The Birth Pang Prophecy
1:29:31 The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Messiah in 30 C.E.
1:38:41 The Fig Tree Prophecy
1:42:07 The Eighth Day
1:42:36 The Circumcision Prophecy
1:47:13 The Sukkot Prophecy
1:58:31 The Menorah Prophecy

⁣*Note: At 1:37:03, it should state April 5th 30 C.E.



We would suggest that we must be careful and be precise in our reading of Scripture. We agree with the Messiah 100%, but are also very careful to pay close attention to exactly what he said and why he said it.

The Messiah said that no man knows the "day and hour" but we will know the season (Matt 24:32-36). He will come as a thief in the night for many, but not for those who are "in the light" (1 Thes 5:4-5)(Rev 3:3). The “day” and “hour” are not relevant to the film.

We show that 40 Biblical prophecies clearly and accurately predicted the year of the first coming of the Messiah. These same prophecies also predict the exact year of his return. These prophecies do not predict the day and hour, just the Biblical year, which appears to offer at least one reason as to why the Messiah did say we would know the general timing, but not the exact timing.


Donations are not necessary, but any contribution received will simply be used to promote the film so there can be more faith based exposure and prayerful consideration of the presentation's content and to create additional content.

Ad-free purchases of the film can be made at Gifts above and beyond can be made during the checkout process.

Blu-Ray versions can be purchased at

Direct support can be sent via PayPal at

Please also consider supporting this project by relentless active sharing on social media and other means. Please keep this ongoing project in your prayers. There is much more to come.

BCE / CE vs BC / AD

We use BCE and CE because scholars now know that the Messiah was born between 4 BCE and 1 BCE and not any later, and not everyone understands that. Because of this, the terms BC and AD are not truth as the Messiah would have had to be born in 1 CE, which is not possible because of the date of the death of Herod. We are a ministry that attempts to be Biblically accurate in everything we do, and this would be part of it. For whatever it is worth, that is our reasoning behind it. We are unable to use terms that are not true as we value integrity and desire to mitigate opportunity for valid criticism. We hope that helps clarify the issue.

Justin Breithaupt
206 Views · 2 years ago

The bible says to remove all Levin and and anything made with leavening agents from your house, property, and from within your coasts.

Sarah Coller
192 Views · 1 year ago

Patient and gracious YHWH begins teaching Moses how to walk in His ways and prepares him to lead his people out of bondage.

You can support this ministry in two ways:

Donate here:

or Purchase books and handmade items from my shop:

Thank you!

My email: sarah @ torahledhomestead (dot) com




Sign up for my newsletter at:

Sarah CollerP.O. Box 3155Bella Vista, AR 72715USA

Jay Carper
205 Views · 12 months ago

It doesn't matter
what the Jews have done nor what antisemites say about them. If God didn't
keep his promises to Israel, to the physical descendants of Jacob, what kind
of God would he be? How could we trust him to keep any of his promises? Or
not to change the rules whenever he felt like it? The only hope of
forgiveness for sins to escape eternal damnation lies in God's character as a
promise keeper.

252 Views · 1 year ago

"Yahuwah Has Become My Yeshua"
Words and Music by David L. Martin

Old old song of mine wrote many years before we formed the band Aromem.

So a little about this song. Just about every time you see the word "salvation" it is being translated from a Hebrew word "yeshuah". Which just so happens to also be the name of the Messiah. So I just took the different declarations written in the Psalms and sang the word "salvation" as "Yeshua". It makes for a thought provoking message looking at it in the context of the Messiah.

241 Views · 2 years ago

Thank you for watching Gleaning The Scriptures. In this presentation we explore why Yeshua said "Get behind Me Satan" towards the Apostle Peter. Have you ever considered how similar Peter's words were to the temptations Yeshua experienced in the desert?

@Patreon -
One Time Donations Can Be Accomplished at the site below

Most of these videos have accompanying articles. If you had trouble understanding it all, read it's accompanying article. The repetition of information, and time it takes to read makes a difference in digesting the information! The knowledge here is vital. check out the articles at the web-site below:
GTS on wordpress -

GTS is always looking for encouraging and skilled creators. We need

Video Editors
Social Media Marketing Peeps
Writing Editor's
Guest Spotlight organizers
Digital Design
email us with your resume @
Here is a list of some of the equipment GTS uses to get the job done, followed by a link to the amazon wishlist.

Recording Devices:
Galaxy Tab A -
LG Tribute HD -

Editing software:
VSDC Video Editor -
Blender -

Video Graphics:
LSNN YouTube Channel
Green Screen Nation YouTube Channel

Logo Music & Design, Respectively:
Rising Spirits - #freeintromusic - OurMusicBox Youtube channel

Music Credits

Intro/video - The Light by LiQWYD @ Audio Library — Music for content creators
Outro - Happy Life by FREDJI on Audio Library - Music for Content Creators

GTS Amazon Wishlist

Showing 9 out of 27